11-13-2024 Minutes Special Elector Meeting



Special elector’s Meeting


Lowell Hagen called The Special Elector’s Meeting to order at 6:15 PM.

In attendance: Lowell, Bob, Jon, Carl, Jorja. In addition, the Town attorney, Noah Wishau and 9 electors were in attendance.

The purpose for the Special Elector’s meeting was to hold two votes. One for the electors to endorse the Town Board Resolution # 10-9-2024 LL which proposes that the 2024 Town town levy exceed the State allowable levy limit under Wis. Stat 66.0602. Specifically proposed is a tax levy which would exceed the allowable town tax levy for 2024 (payable in 2025) after adjustments, by 31.337%, for a dollar increase of $150,000.00 and a total levy limit of $628,660.00.


Jon made a motion to vote on Resolution # #11-13-2024 EE to increase the levy limit, seconded by Bob and the motion passed. There was a vote taken by a show of hands with 12 electors voted to endorse the resolution to increase the levy limit, there were no nays and the resolution passed.


Jon made a motion to vote on the Resolution # 11-13-2024 EA which would approve the total 2024 Town levy, (to be collected in 2025) pursuant to Wis State Statute 60.10(1)(a) the motion was seconded by Bob and the motion carried. There was a vote taken by a show of hands with 12 electors voting to accept the total levy limit ($628,660.00), there were no nays and the resolution passed.


With no further business on the agenda, Jon made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Bob and the motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 6:25 PM.


Respectfully submitted by Jorja Boiley Clerk-Treasurer