11-16-2023 Minutes regular monthly meeting


11-16- 2023


Lowell called the meeting to order ay 7:00 PM

In attendance: Lowell, Bob, Jon, Jorja

Jon made a motion to approve the agenda as amended to include  the topic of lake buoys, seconded by Bob and the motion carried.

Jon made a motion to approve the 10-11-2023 Board Meeting minutes, seconded by Bob and the motion carried.

Jon made a motion to approve the 10-12-2023 Budget Workshop minutes, seconded by Bob and the motion carried.

Jon made a motion to approve the 11-1-2023 Budget Workshop minutes, seconded by Bob and the motion carried.


Clerk/Treasurer reports: bank balances were read. The tax billing preparation is in progress and the deadline to mail tax bills is the third Monday in December. (12-18-2023)


Clerk: sometime in the next 2 weeks, there will be training and re-training for the election workers. This will be both on-line and in person.
Bob made a motion to accept the treasurer and clerk report, seconded by Lowell and the motion carried.


Supervisor’s reports:

Jon – no report

Bob – he is working on a speed limit project for both lowering some of th road limits and adding more speed limit signs. He is asking for that to be on the December agenda.

Lowell – issues regarding ATV/UTV usage continue.

One attendee expressed concern about ATV/UTV interfering with ice fishing



Public Works report: setting up for snow; fixed v-box on 1- ton. Setting out some snow fence posts. Finishing ditch mowing. Ordering new light for over the garage door.


Sheriff’s report: Nick Yohanek  245 calls in October.



Jon made a motion to approve the 2024 budget that includes the increased tax levy that was approved at the Selectors’ Special Meeting held at an earlier meeting on this same date, Bob seconded the motion and the motion carried

Larry Jacobs presented his concerns regarding the installation of the fiber optic cables near his home. He indicated that Edge Broadband did a professional job, however, Charter/Spectrum has  not been careful in how they are dealing with the wires – some are buried and others are draped over telephone poles.


Ryan Kernosky from Municipal Group feels that they will complete the revaluation by the end of 2024 and was wondering if the Town could pay the entire $40,000.0 as quoted in 2024. He agreed to keep the cost split over two years if the second payment could be in January 2025.


When the buoys were removed from the lake, Carl noted that there were 10 buoys that had extensive damage. He is asking that the Board approve purchasing 10 buoys to replace the damaged ones. Jon made a motion to spend up to the $1500.00 that is budgeted for this year, seconded by Bob and the motion carried.


Jon wants to do more research to determine if Whitewater Lake really needs all the buoys that are currently being placed. Other larger lakes in the area have fewer buoys.



Public input (presented earlier in the meeting)


There was a meeting held at the City of Whitetwater with Senator Ron Johnson and Congressman Brian Stiles. The subject involves issues in the city regarding an influx of undocumented migrants, as many as 800-1000 in Walworth County. There are reports of an increase in DWI’s and assaults, mainly on campus. Supposedly there is a direct correlation to the increase in the number of illegals who have moved in. There has been a significant drain on lwe enforcement.


Bills were reviewed and checks signed.

Jon made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Bob and the motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:50 PM.


Respectfully submitted by Joraj Boiley, Clerk/Treasurer