11-16-2023 Public Hearing Minutes


Public Hearing


Lowell called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM.

In attendance: Lowell, Bob, Jon, Jorja and three electors.

Lowell provided background information that explains the need for an increase in the tax levy limit. The two major cost increases are the fire/EMS contract with the City of Whitewater. The increase was from $92,400.00 in 2023 to $204,000.00 for 2024. Additionally, the Town contracted with a new assessor after the retirement with Gardiner Assessors. The monthly annual cost rose from $13,000.00 to $20,000.00. There is also an additional fee for a full revaluation for the Town that will happen by the end of 2025. The total cost for that project is $40,000.00 over two years.


The electors in attendance, George and Bonnie Wood and Eileen Burke, were mostly concerned with road repairs: how the Town determines which roads are repaired in any given year and what the various options are used for improving the roads. In general, the options are crack filling, chip and seal and full pavement reconstruction. There is some dissatisfaction with the chip seal process used in the Scattered Oaks subdivision.


The Board does conduct an annual road tour that evaluates each road in the Township (53 miles in total). During the tour an evaluation is made regarding the condition of the road and a number is given from poor to excellent. That rating determines which are the top roads in need of repair, bids are requested and a contractor(s) is/are selected based on how best to allocate the budgeted dollars.


Some questions were raised regarding different line items in the budget for 2024. Eileen Burke was asking which category represented the money for the two-way radio purchase that has been approved for 2024. The $7500.00 allocation is included in garage tools and supplies.


With no further questions or discussions, Bob made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Jon and the motion passed. The Public Hearing adjourned at 6:30 PM.



Respectfully submitted by Jorja Boiley, Clerk/Treasurer