11-16-2023 TB agenda




Town of Whitewater Board Meeting Agenda

Thursday, 11-16- 2023

Start time 7:00 PM

OR immediately following the Elector’s Special Meeting, if that meeting adjourns after 7:00 PM



  1. Call to order
  2. Approval of agenda
  3. Approval of 10-11-2023 board meeting minutes
  4. Approval of 10-12-2023 Budget Workshop minutes
  5. Approval of 11-1-2023 Budget Workshop minutes
  6. Clerk/Treasurer reports
  7. Supervisor’s reports
  8. Public Works report
  9. Sheriff’s report
  10. Approval of 2024 budget
  11. Larry Jacobs regarding broadband installation issues
  12. Revaluation timeframe/payment
  13. Public input
  14. Review and pay bills
  15. Adjournment

Dated this 14th day of November, 2023.

Meeting notice posted at the Town Hall and on the Town of Whitewater website Townofwhitewaterwi.gov

Jorja Boiley, Clerk/Treasurer