12-13-2023 Minutes
Wednesday, 12-13-2023
Lowell Called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM
In attendance: Lowell, Bob, Jon and Jorja
Lowell made a motion to approve the agenda as amended, seconded by Jon, motion carried.
Bob made a motion to approve the minutes from the 11-16-2023 Public Hearing, 11-16-2023 Special Meeting and 11-16-2023 Board Meeting, seconded by Jon and the motion carried.
Treasurer report: fund and cash balances were read. Tax bills were mailed Monday, December 11 – read balances. Tax bills were mailed on Monday, December 11. By law tax bills must be mailed by the third Monday in December.
Clerk report: the two-way radios are scheduled to deliver June, 2024. The system at the County level will not be functional until then. WE energies will be shutting off power to Town Hall on Sunday. Bob made a motion to accept the Treasurer and Clerk reports, seconded by Jon and the motion carried.
Supervisor’s reports:
Jon: no report
Bob: an owner on Pine Knolls Drive has is using a yurk for a temporary shelter and is spending nights there on weekends. Nick Sigmund, County Zoning manager, has been in contact with the owner and informed him that the yurk must be removed by January 9, 2024 or there must be concrete evidence that a permanent residence is under construction.
Bob has been in touch with Wills Tree Service, who will be removing trees near the Wildi residence.
Lowell no report
Nick Yohanek reports that there were 201 calls during the month of November. He also indicated that when any roads have a speed limit change, there is access to download the new speed limit information.
Drew Nelson requested a variance for 10’ on a new garage. The house meets all the requirements for the parcel setbacks. A retaining wall will be built to prevent water issues. Bob suggests confirming with neighbor that the requested changes is ok with them. Bob made a motion to recommend approval for the variance, seconded by Jon, the motion carried.
Bob presented information regarding changing the speed limits on some roads near the lake.
Input from attendees suggested that some of the problems can be attributed to people walking on the wrong side of the road, walking dogis that may or may not be leashed and walking 3-4 people across the road which impedes traffic. Some bicyclists are not moving over to allow cars to pass.
Bob made a motion to reduce the speed limit from Townline Rd to Clover Valley Rd from 35 mph to 25 mph. Lowell called for a 2nd three times and there was none made. The motion failed.
Glacial Drive has no posted speed limit and is therefore 55 mph. Bob made a motion to reduce the speed limit to 35 mph and post signs at the beginning of Glacial Dr and one near Kahn Dr; Jon seconded the motion and the motion carried.
A discussion addressed the need for curve signs near Kettle Moraine and Townline Roads. Lowell made a motion to install the signs traveling west from that intersection, seconded by Jon and the motion carried.
Nominated to serve as election judges for the 2024-2025 election cycle:
Flescher, Ruth |
Gunther, Jamie |
Kollwelter, Donna |
Rezabek, Cheryl |
Salverson, Mary |
Sherman, Donna |
Benes, Sherrie |
Conroy, Laura |
Picknell, Shelly |
Dern, Daniel |
Dern, Judy |
Loch, Anita |
Green, Peter |
Smith, Betsi |
Lowell made a motion to approve the election judges as listed, Bob seconded the motion and the motion carried.
The discussion and decision for establishing a new ordinance for construction contractors, landscapers and new driveways was tabled until Carl is able to offer his suggestions.
The Wisconsin Towns Association offered information that towns may not place any referendum to be placed on a ballot unless it pertains to real estate tax issues. Therefore, the ATV/UTV ordinance as passed in 2023 will remain in effect. Several comments were made offering both pro and con arguments. However, Jon suggested that since the Ordinance has been in effect for less than a year, it would be wise to monitor the needs for any changes.
Jon made a motion to amend the Fee Schedule by combining two resolutions dated 7-12-2023 (fee schedules established by the Town Board) and 10-11-2023 (fees established by the third party building permit provider) with an effective date of January 1,2024. Lowell seconded the motion and the motion carried.
Lowell made a motion to approve year-end bonuses for Jorja, Carl and Donna in the amount of $125.00, Jon seconded the motion and the motion carried.
Public input: none offered since comments were made during the meeting.
Bills were reviewed and approved for payment
Jon made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Bob and the motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM. and Bob at 8:15 motion carried.
Respectfully submitted by Jorja Boiley, Clerk/Treasurer