2-03-2021 Minutes Special Board Meeting


Minutes Special Town Board Meeting

February 3, 2021


The meeting was called to order by Lowell Hagen at 8:30 AM
Present:  Lowell Hagen, Robert Strand, Norman Prusener, Jorja Boiley

Approval of agenda – Norm made a motion to approve the agenda as written, seconded by Bob.  Motion passed unanimously.

The minutes of the January 13, 2021 Town Board Meeting were reviewed.  Norm made a motion to accept the minutes as corrected, seconded by Bob.  The motion passed unanimously.

Truck Country, Dubuque, Iowa made an offer to purchase 2002 International truck for the price of $20,000.00. And will arrange for pick up on Friday, November 5, 2021. Norm made the motion to accept the offer, seconded by Bob. The motion passed unanimously.

A request was submitted by RH Batterman for a variance at N7464 Ridge Road. Norm made a motion to approve the variance for 83.1 feet as requested, seconded by Bob, the motion passed unanimously.

Norm made a motion to adjourn the meeting; seconded by Lowell, the motion passed unanimously and the meeting adjourned at 8:50 AM.


Respectfully submitted by Jorja Boiley, Clerk/Treasurer