2-14-2024 Minutes


Town of Whitewater Board Meeting

Wednesday, February 14, 2024


Lowell called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM

In attendance: Lowell, Bob, Jon and Jorja

Bob made a motion to accept the agenda as amended to include Public Input, seconded by Jon. The motion carried.

Jon made a motion to approve the Minutes from the 1-10-2024 Board meeting, seconded by Bob and the motion carried.

Treasurer: read fund balances and cash account. Tax collection is completed. All future payments are payable to the County
Clerk report: Early in person voting is scheduled for March 21 (Thursday) 10 – 1; March 23 (Saturday) 9-Noon; Mar 26 (Tuesday) 1-3:30; First two training sessions for election workers have been held. There are three new volunteers.

Supervisor’s reports:
Bob- no report
Jon – no report
Lowell: raccoon patrol incident; There will be a house moved from K
ettle Moraine  Drive to Route 12 and the date to be determined.
He receives many compliments on plowing for the crew.

Public Works report: Hi-Lo Road is open after the tree removals. The new truck is running well.
No Sheriff’s report


A document from East Troy was provided as an example of how other towns are addressing the acceptance or rejection of open roads for ATV/UTV traffic. As previously stated, allowing this traffic has not been in force for a year and the Town will need more time to assess the success or failure of the program.

Lowell shared information that was discussed at a recent WTA meeting. There is a new program for grant money for roads that addresses agricultural roads. There is a potential for a 90
% grant. He feels that Bluff Road should be included due to the heavy traffic from both the egg farm, and other farms in the area. meant bluff road. Carl suggested Island Road, Willis Ray; or Bluff.

 The County is again offering painting/striping service. Carl suggested Island Road parts of R&W and some other roads closer to the lake. Jon made a motion to spend $5500.00 for painting both yellow and white stripes. Bob seconded the motion and the motion carried.

The annual road tour date is Thursday, February 29 starting at 8:30 AM.

After reviewing a letter that had been sent from State lawmakers to the President regarding increased federal funds for the Whitewater area, there is general consensus that there is no need for the Town to send another letter.

After discussing a proposal from Delmore Consulting regarding culvert inspection and inventory, Jon made a motion to hire Delmore for that service, seconded by Bob and the motion carried. Carl indicated that the County may have a second company that will offer the same service. Lowell told Carl to decide to which company to use.


A contract proposal was offered by Professional Building Inspectors to replace MZIS who has down-sized their business and will not continue with townships. If accepted, the existing permits that are in process with Greg at MZIS will by completed by Greg. Jon suggested sending the proposal to the attorney for approval.

Regarding the new Town Code, Jon made a resolution to adopt the new code, seconded by Bob and the resolution passed. The resolution will be sent to CODE 360 and will be included with the publication on the Town website.

Public Input – there were no questions or comments.

Review and pay monthly bills


Jon made a motion to adjourn to a closed session per WI 19.85(1)(c) for employee performance and compensation review, Bob seconded and the meeting adjourned at 7:50.

Lowell made a motion for final adjournment, seconded by Bob and the meeting adjourned at 7:55 PM


Respectfully submitted by Jorja Boiley, Clerk/Treasurer