2-20-2025 Minutes
Regular Town Board Meeting
Thursday, 2-20-2025
Jon called the meeting to order at 6:00
In attendance: Bob Strand, Jon Tanis Carl Ahrens, Jorja Boiley:
Jon made a motion to amend the agenda by moving the agenda item for the City of Whitewater before the reports and eliminating the agenda item for Southern Wakes since they will not be in attendance. Jon made a motion to approve the agenda as amended, seconded by Bob and the motion carried.
Bob made a motion to approve the minutes from the January 8, 2025, Board meeting, seconded by Jon and the motion carried.
Brad Marquardt, representing the City of Whitewater, is asking for Board approval to establish an easement between Lots 11 and 12. This easement will be 66’ wide with curb and gutter and will be the only access to the vacant lot next to Breidsan. There is a potential plan to build 99, single family homes on the 34 acres, which includes the wetlands. The current Breidsan area does not have curb and gutter. Bob asked why not use Pearson and Brad indicated that area is considered wetlands. There is a possibility the an exit off Warner Road by the church as an alternative/option. Bob wants current homeowners to be able to meet and discuss.
Clerk-Treasurer report: read balances. Tax collection is over. All other payments must be sent to the County. Donna Sherman, deputy clerk/treasurer Processed most of the 4.3 million dollars in payments. Her time, talent and attention to detail is beyond compare.
Election – 149 people voted; 42 were absentee ballots; Jeff Wright – 34; Brittany Kinser – 64; Jill Underly 48. Statewide: Jill and Brittany will be on the ballot for the April 1 Spring election.
Don Wickersheimer – salt is damaging driveway
Don Oker (Hillside Dr) compliments to plow drivers.
Bob made a motion to accept the Clerk-Treasurer reports, seconded by Jon -and the motion carried.
Supervisor report:
Bob: received two calls on the proposed easement for the Breisdan property.
Jon: received calls and had conversations regarding a new survey for the ATV issue. He encouraged people to email the Town with their opinions. To date only about 6 emails have been received.
Public Works report
Carl has been plowing and working on updating the Town restrooms.
Sheriff’s report – no report
Discuss options for mailing ATV/UTV survey – no legal issues with names printed on return documents. Cost? Who will get the postcards? Will research bulk mail providers to ascertain cost. Bob made a motion to formally address the issue, seconded by Jon and the motion carried.
Linda Meyer, on behalf of the GWLPOA, provided a generous donation in the amount of $2000.00 for purchase of new buoys.
Southern Wakes United/Shawnda requesting approval for ski – she cancelled due to illness
Jon made a motion to adopt a resolution that amends the 2024 budget. The amendment acknowledges the shortfall that will occur in 2025 for salt and sand. The shortfall is due to the late billing from the County on salt/sand purchases, Bob seconded the motion and the motion carried.
Caroline Pate-Hefty and other representatives from the USWD presented information regarding the $30 million referendum that is on the ballot for the April 1 election. Several questions from the attendees elicited a lively conversation about the details of the dollars in question.
Wayne Redenius, who is running for the school board, presented his qualifications for a Board position.
The final contract for One Energy contract was signed. One Energy is developing 33 acres for a solar farm on Island Road
Public Comment:
Larry Gard – running for Richmond board and is suggesting that Richmond and Whitewater meet to discuss shared maintenance duties.
Invoices were reviewed and checks signed.
Jon made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Bob and the motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:30.
Respectfully submitted by Jorja Boiley Clerk-Treasurer