3-10-2021 Town Board Minutes


Town of Whitewater Town Board Meeting

March 10, 2021

Lowell Hagen called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM

In attendance were Lowell Hagen, Norm Prusener, Bob Strand, Jorja Boiley

Norm Prusener made a motion to approve the agenda; seconded by Bob Strand and the motion carried.

Norm Prusener made a motion to accept, as written, the Minutes of the February 10, 2021 town board meeting, the motion was seconded by Bob Strand, the motion carried.


Treasurer Report: Account balances were read. A new format for the main cash account was offered. The new format includes all cash transactions through the date of the meeting. This includes the checks that are signed at the meeting. A more formal report will be available for April meeting.

Two NSF checks were received for tax payments. One of the NSF checks was from a person who has done this in the past. Currently there are no guidelines regarding asking for certified funds in the future for repeat offenders and each board sets the parameters. Question for future agenda regarding asking for certified checks at the time of the initial payment collection.


Clerk reports:

Wolf Paving interested in any product purchase or project opportunities.
Absentee ballots are in house and will be mailed beginning Thursday. Election is April 6 and there will be
three poll workers. Early in-person voting starts March 23 – April 2. We had 151 voter participation in Feb., with 55 absentee ballots submitted.

Rich Charts sent information about a free webinar 3/18/2021 the topic: Shoreline Gardening. I will post this on the website and email blast

The Clerk encourages any town resident to share their email information. Adding their information to the current list will enhance the communications between the Township and the residents. Agendas, minutes and other pertinent information is posted on the website (townofwhitewater.org) and also sent in email.


Supervisors’ reports – there were no reports

Sheriff’s Department incident report: 192 calls. It was a very quiet month

DNR is requesting separate fire numbers at 4 parking lots. Lowell made a motion to order and install the 4 as requested, seconded by Norm. There is a $75.00 fee for each sign. The motion passed unanimously.

Membership Town Advocacy Council – this is a voluntary and the money is used for lobbying groups on behalf of townships in Madison. Lowell Hagen made a motion to continue to pay for this service, seconded by Norm Prusener and the motion passed unanimously.

Piotr Malyszko – requests to build a culvert on his property. Lot 1 at Lorwood and Townline. Lowell made a motion to provide the appropriate paperwork for Mr. Malyszko to sign and have Bob Harris meet with Mr. Malyszko. Norm seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.

Discussion for 2021 road repair. Norm met with Rock Road to survey the area to be repaired. Rock Road shared their suggestions, but no quote was offered. – will be bid at the time.

Up-date on small claim against Edgerton Contractors, Inc. The in-person hearing is set for May 26, 2021 at 10:00 AM 2020.

Discussion regarding the condition of the buoys. Currently there are five new buoys that are unused. Sean says a couple are missing chains and we have the chains to fix them.

Branch chipping dates: 5/3,6/7,7/6,8/2,9/7,10/4


Annual Town Meeting is scheduled for April 21, 2021 at 6:30 PM. The regular monthly board meeting will convene immediately following the Annual meeting.


Public input – none

The board approved and paid bills.


Norm made a motion to adjourn the meeting followed by a second from Lowell. The motion passed and the meeting adjourned at 7:46 PM.


Respectfully submitted,

Jorja Boiley, Clerk/Treasurer