3-12-2025 Agenda Board Meeting


Regular Town Board Meeting
Wednesday, 3-12-2025
6:00 PM
Whitewater Town Hall
W8590 Willis Ray Road,
Whitewater, WI 53190


Discussion, Consideration & possible action on all or some of the following items:

  1. Call to order
  2. Roll call
  3. Amend/approve agenda
  4. Review/approve Minutes from 2-20-2025 Board meeting
  5. Treasurer – Clerk reports
  6. Supervisor reports
  7. Public Works report
  8. Sheriff Department liaison report
  9. Southern wakes – permission to hold events
  10. Linda Meyer – GWLPOA schedule
  11. Russ Kilpin
  12. Survey for ATV/UTV
  13. Maintaining weight limit of 8 Ton on Kettle Marine Dr
  14. Resolution 03122025 regarding public postings and publications for legal notices
  15. Branch chipping dates
  16. Road Tour dates
  17. Attendance at WTA District meeting Friday, 3-28-2025 Workshop
  18. Select a date/time and participants to discuss choosing an engineering firm for Howard Road project.
  19. Agreement to purchase salt from WI Department of Transportation
  20. Public comment
  21. Review bills
  22. Adjourn

Posted on Town website and at Town Hall March 10, 2025


Jorja Boiley Clerk-Treasurer