5-8-2024 Minutes


Lowell called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM

In attendance: Lowell, Bob, Jon and Jorja

Amend agenda to reflect chair rental decision and the public works report

Bob made a motion to approve the amended agenda, which included an agenda item for the Public Works Report and another item for chair rentals. This motion was seconded by Jon and the motion carried.

Bob made the motion to approve the minutes from the April 17, 2024 board meeting minutes, seconded by Lowell and the motion carried.

Bob made a motion to approve the minutes from the April 30, 2024 Special Board Meeting (8:00 AM), seconded by Jon and the motion carried.

Jon made a motion to approve the minutes for April 30 2024 Special Board Meeting (8:30 AM), seconded by Bob and the motion carried.


Treasurer report: read fund and cash balances.

  • Using EMS/fire as special assessment may not be possible. Attorney checking with DOR
  • Due to the monthly meeting being held earlier in the month, there will be a second check run when all the other bills are received.
  • 644 refund checks were mailed on 5-6-2024 with a total $ amount of $58,927.94. There remains $79.48 refunds to process which range from $.03 to $5.00 per taxpayer.. It has been suggested that refunds under $5.00 not be distributed. The attorney is in consultation with the DOR to verify if we are able to send a letter along with the receipt stating that the Town will not refund any amounts under $5.00.
  • One taxpayer has already said to not bother since their refund is $1.66 on a tax payment of 81.00.


Clerk report:

  • There has not been any communication with the Town nor with the attorney regarding the opening of the pit by Johnson Sand and Gravel. And the Town has not received feedback from Batterman regarding an engineering status report for R&W road condition.
  • The County announced dates for the 2024 Clean Sweep event: residential June 21 and 22; business/ag is June 21. The Clean Sweep event is held at the Walworth County Public Works; W4097 County Rd NN; Elkhorn, WI. Business and Agricultural Clean Sweeps must be registered by June 7, 2024.
  • Unified school board for 2024-2025:
  1. Jennifer Kienbaum, President
  2. Miguel Aranda Vice Presiden
  3. Jeff Tortomasi Treasurer
  4. Stephanie Hicks Clerk
  5. Lisa Huempfner
  6. Christy Linse
  7. Maryann Zimmerman


Bob made a motion to accept the Treasurer/Clerk report, seconded by Jon and the motion carried.


Supervisor reports:

Bob spoke with Brian Lemke at the DNR regarding field flooding on Esterly Rd. near the Hansen property. According to Brian, the DNR has been doing reconstruction in that area on DNR property that is in the same area and the DNR would not approve any type of repairs that would interfere with the current water flow in the area.

Jon, along with Carl and Norm Pruesener, checked the water levels at the dam today and found the level to be about 1.5 to 2 inches below the level when the “no wake” signs would have to be posted.

Lowell: no report

Public works:  Carl reported that Compass, who installed some of the fibre optics this summer, repaired some damage that they had caused. He cleaned out culverts on Esterly.

Mowing is in process along with weed control. The boat is ready for the summer. Bob indicted that he did not think the pier in front of the Lions Club has been installed. Saturday, May 11 a crew will be placing the buoys.

An inspection regarding water run-off was done near N7656 E Lakeshore Dr. No definitive solution developed at this time.

 Sheriff’s Department: Nick Yohanek commented on fatal car accidents on Hwy 12. The opinion was that Hwy 12 seems to have more than its share of accidents especially at the intersections of both Hwy P and Walworth Avenue.

After a discussion regarding driveway construction, Jon made a motion to include Ordinance 05082024-1 as Chapter 10-4(A)(1) of the Town Code. This ordinance provides new guidelines for new and reconstructed driveways which restricts having concrete driveways extend to the edge of the roadway. “concrete shall not be any closer to the asphalt in the road way than 6 feet or a minimum of 3 feet past the culvert whichever is greater”. The area abutting the roadway can be asphalt or gravel and at the time of any paving of the road, the portion of the driveway that is not cement will be asphalted. Bob seconded the motion and the motion carried. The entire ordinance will be posted on the Town website at a later date.

This new ordinance does not alter the Town’s policy that any construction of a new driveway or reconfiguring of an existing driveway requires prior approval from the Town Board.

 At the prompting from the attorney, Lowell made a motion to remove specific speed limit guidelines for Town roads from the Town Code and develop a document that could be amended and not codified as new speed limits are approved. This will save money that is charged by CODE 360 every time a new ordinance is approved as well as the publishing fees. Jon seconded the motion and the motion carried.

There will be a Board of Review meeting on May 30, 2024 at 8:30 AM at the Town Hall. The sole purpose for the meeting will be to adjourn to a later date, August 19, 2024 at 9:00 AM at the Town Hall. The meeting on May 30th, satisfies state statute which requires Board of Review be held prior to the 6th of June 2024.

The Town has applied for various road grants through the State. The Town has approval for projects for Howard Road, from Cox Rd to Bluff Rd.  That project has a projected start date of 2026. WE Energies will be involved with the project since the gas lines they installed are not buried deep enough and they must rectify the placement.

An application for paving Willis Ray Road that would have improved the road from a Class B highway to Class A was rejected.

There has been a request to rent and/or borrow Town folding chairs for a private event. The Town has never done that before. Lowell made a motion to not rent or lend the chairs, seconded by Jon and the motion carried.

Public input

Dan Dern has heard that the Sheriff’s department will run a full crew this summer for the Safety Patrol.

He is inquiring what the process is for activating the no wake signs? Lake management tells us when to put them up. According to Jon, the process starts with Lake Management who will monitor the water levels and post the signs as appropriate.

Henry Kinson commented that since Wood Chuck Alley was paved, there is a problem with water flow. He is asking to have a meeting on site to determine what can be done. Lowell asked that Carl and Bob meet with him to see if the issue can be fixed. Robert Sivek says he also has a problem with the same water flow. Every time it rains, his garage floods. Both Henry and Robert feel that the source of the issue is the curb.


Bills were reviewed and checks signed.

Jon made a motion to adjourn seconded by Lowell, the motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 7:30 PM.


Respectfully submitted by Jorja Boiley/ Clerk/Treasurer