6-14-2023 Minutes
Lowell called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
In attendance: Lowell, Bob, Jon, Jorja
Bob made a motion to approve the revised agenda; seconded by Jon, the motion carried.
Jon made a motion to approve the minutes from the 6-8-2023 Special Town Meeting, seconded by Lowell, the motion carried.
Treasurer report: cash and fund balances were read
- Clerk reports: Mark Brown from associated appraisals (Appleton) working with him on answering questions and then he can quote. Chris from Accurate Assessor (Menasha) set a phone appointment and he did not call. I left several voice mail message – he did not return them. Placed a call today (6-14-2023) and was told he would reach out today. No response.
- Suggestion is received for a “sharp turn” sign going west at the intersection of KM dr, R&W and Krahn. Carl will check the area and determine where a sign might be placed.
Jon made a motion to accept the Clerk/Treasurer reports, seconded by Bob, the motion carried.
Supervisor’s reports:
Bob: Steven Keil owns grain bins off Milis/County P Rd. He wants a fire number for the driveway leading into the area. The house on the property is not owned by him and he cannot use that number for deliveries. 920-728-3546. Fire number permit needs to be issued.
Jon: Due to Sean no longer involved with the Safety Patrol, there are some communication gaps in organizing for the summer.
Lowell – no report
Public Works report: shouldering on Reliance and all other current road repair projects is complete. Monroe Trucking, who is doing the finishing touches on the new plow truck, needed the shouldering equipment to install. This halted the shouldering. Green lights will be installed on the new truck and that will increase the price.
Tim was mowing today and the Rice lake buoys will be installed on Thursday, June 15.
Sheriff’s Department incident reports: 282 calls in May. Jake Hintz will be supervising the safety boat patrol. The Sheriff’s department wants to have longer hours for the boat to be on the water in anticipation of rescue incidents. There has already been two boats capsized during off hours. There will be another new Deputy assigned to our satellite office.
The following liquor licenses and operator’s licenses were discussed:
The Fuzzy Pig, along with Operator licenses (bartender) for Panela Kraus, Richard Kraus. Sheila Meehan. Lowell made a motion to approve all applications for The Fuzzy Pig, Bob seconded, and the motion carried.
Willow Brook Golf Course, along with Operator licenses for Leif Knudsen, Nicholas Lesar, Autumn Lesar, Samantha Meister. Bob made a motion to approve the applications, seconded by Jon and the motion carried. Lowell made a motion to not approve the application for an Operator’s license for Angela Nelson until further questions are answered, seconded by Bob and the motion carried.
The Boat House submitted an application for a Reserve liquor license along with an operators license. A discussion ensued regarding the fact that no restaurant/tavern exists for serving liquor or beer on the designated property. They are not sure if they will do a tear down and rebuild of the existing shop or attempt to remodel. There are issues for setback and parking restrictions. Lowell is requesting a letter with a one-year commitment, with a specific start date, that indicates The Boat House intends to build and operate a restaurant/tavern. They are not in favor of researching the viability for construction until they know they have the liquor license approved.
Jon asked them to prepare a business plan that indicates their intentions to move forward.
The issue is tabled until July meeting.
The fireworks application and payment for an event sponsored by The Boat House was received. The event date is July 22, 2023 with a rain date of July 23, 2023. Jon made a motion to approve the application, seconded by Bob and the motion carried.
The new Emergency Management Plan is finalized. Jon made a motion to approve the plan in its entirety as submitted; seconded by Bob and the motion carried.
Carl is asking for a new bucket for the Kabota tractor. The current one is rusted and has a sizeable hole. He has researched costs and indicates that the pricing ranges from $1350 to $2460. Jon may have a contact that he believes has a new one that may be a better price. The discussion is tabled until the July meeting.
Public input:
Robert Sivek is concerned that a 30-day construction project on Ridge and Woodchuck Alley is taking much longer to complete. The construction equipment is destroying Ridge Road that was newly paved in 2022. Additional projects causing the same problems are on Ridge and Crestview. Two projects on Ridge Rd. Another on Crestview. Jorja will check on drafting an ordinance addressing damage to roads as a result of new building. Also mentioned is requiring new cement driveways to have 4’ of 4” asphalt laid at the entrance to the new driveway. This will prevent the drop off edges between the road asphalt and the cement driveway.
Claudia Holtz shared that there is a new teardown on Shereda Rd that may result in a new 1.4 million home.
Lowell made a motion to move into closed session per WI 19.85(1)(c) to consider employee performance and compensation, Jon seconded and the motion carried. The closed session began at 8:05 PM.
Monthly bills were approved and signed.
Lowell made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Jon, the motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 8:45 PM
Respectfully submitted by Jorja Boiley, Clerk/Treasurer