6-24-2021 Minutes Special Board Meeting


6-24-2021 Special Meeting Town Board

Lowell Hagen called the meeting to order at 9:30 AM

In attendance: Lowell Hagen, Norm Prusener, Bob Strand, Jorja Boiley

Bob Strand made a motion to approve the agenda as amended: the start time was 9:30 AM, not 9:15 AM. Norm seconded the motion and the motion carried by a voice vote.

The Board reviewed the Encroachment Agreement submitted by Randall Pollard. His project entails removing rotting railroad ties and replacing with cement block. Lowell Hagen made a motion to approve the encroachment Agreement, seconded by Bob Strand, the motion carried by a voice vote.

The Town purchased a traffic counter for the purpose of monitoring traffic on busier roads. The monitoring data will be helpful in the event funding money becomes available through the State for repairs to some of the busier roads are abused by heavier traffic and in need of repair. Lowell Hagen made a motion to the Board make a list of roads to monitor and after the new roadman starts on July 6, he will manage the monitoring. The motion was seconded by Bob Strand, the motion carried by a voice vote.


Bob Strand made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Lowell Hagen, motion carried by voice vote. The meeting adjourned at 9:45 AM.


Respectively submitted by Jorja Boiley, Clerk/Treasurer