7-10-2024 Board Meeting Minutes




Lowell called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM

In attendance: Lowell, Bob, Jon and Jorja


Bob made a motion to approve the agenda, seconded by Jon and the motion carried.

Jon made a motion to approve the minutes of the June 12, 2024 monthly Town Board meeting, seconded by Bob and the motion carried.


Treasurer: read fund and cash account balances. There is a week-long training through Wisconsin Municipal Clerk Association the week of July15-19. It entirely on-line program centered on the treasurer position.
Clerk reports: City of Whitewater submitted information regarding number of calls made by fire and EMS. Town of Whitewater has the most calls out of the other towns included in the City program. The State published the detours for construction on Highway 12. Drop box collection for absentee ballots is again allowed for November election. Bob made a motion to approve the Clerk Treasurer report, seconded by Jon and the motion carried.

Supervisor reports

Jon: There is an issue with Wills Top Notch Tree service. Two jobs were not completed and payment was processed. Jon said to send a letter asking for $2500 back since he already cashed the check for $4600.00.  Carl says he can finish what was left of the project.

E LSD contractors are positioning construction equipment on the opposite of the road from the actual job site.


Bob: no report

Lowell: no report


Public Works report: Carl has been dealing with the damage to trees caused by several severe storms. Normal mowing.  getting quotes for tractors.  Bay View – by town property. Airbnb leaving junk, canoes.   Will supply address and can contact Terry Freeman at County


Sheriff’s Department incident report: not in attendance


There was a discussion about road issues pertaining to contractors and landscapers parking in the roadway and not allowing the required 15’ of clearance for cars. E LSD contractors are positioning construction equipment on the opposite of the road from the actual job site.

There is no way to enforce parking restrictions.


Bob made a motion to approve the placement of construction equipment at the Kovilic residence and notify the owner that there is a $200.00 fee for a driveway permit at a cost of $200.00. The driveway must have asphalt within 6’ of the road, Jon seconded the motion and the motion carried.


Discuss options for purchasing a new tractor. The quotes received are based on a lease to buy program. Lowell prefers to purchase used. The suggestion is to increase the annual deposit to the equipment fund in order to build up reserves for future purchases. Jon made a motion to an IH Case tractor from Johnson Tractor plus euro adapter with money from the truck fund, Bob seconded the motion,  and the motion carried with 2/3 majority.  $60,000.00 is the down payment


Ryan Kernosky, Municipal Group assessor, asks if he should schedule the BOT before the final numbers are available for the property evaluation. Jon made a motion to wait until all the details are available, seconded by Bob and the motion carried.


Motion to adjourn into closed session per WI 19.85(1)(c) to consider employee performance review and compensation.   Lowell made the motion, seconded by Jon, motion carried.  6:45 pm


Jon made a motion to agree to the decisions made in closed session, Bob seconded the motion and the motion carried.


Bills were reviewed and checks signed.

Jon made a motion to adjourn seconded by Bob and the meeting adjourned at 7:10 PM



Respectfully submitted by Jorja Boiley, Clerk/Treasurer