7-12-2023 Board Meeting Minutes
Lowell called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM
In attendance: Lowell, Bob, Jon and Jorja
Bob made a motion to approve the agenda with the changes, seconded by Jon and the motion carried.
Jon made a motion to approve the 6-14-2023 minutes as presented. seconded by Bob and the motion carried.
Treasurer report: fund and cash bank balances were read and. Wisconsin new budget may affect the GTA money the Town receives from the state. Need to research.
Clerk report: the City of Whitewater is holding a meeting on Thursday, July 13 to discuss the future of the Whitewater Aquatic Center. Anyone is invited to attend.
The code book final draft is in the works; Code 360 hosts and makes changes as necessary. Once the final Code is sent, the Board will need to approve. The Code is then included on the Town website. An Ordinance is executed, notification is sent to the public and anyone has access to the final copy.
Cheryl Rezabek will be doing grant search work for the Town as an outside contractor. The Board determined this would be profitable at an earlier meeting and there is now a contract in place. She will be doing research, submitting, monitoring and filing any paperwork necessary.
There will be an ad placed in the Wisconsin Town Association’s monthly magazine for an assessor.
Jon made a motion to accept the Treasurer/Clerk report, seconded by Bob and the motion carried.
Supervisor’s reports: there were no reports.
Public works report: Carl – finished mowing around the 4th. Installing ATV/UTV signs.
Sheriff’s Department incident reports: nothing to report
Discussion/decision Whitewater Limestone request for a new Conditional Use to increase 40’ depth of allowable blasting. Per Katelyn at the County, the reason it needs to be a new resolution is due to the increase in depth. Per Whitewater Limestone, it is estimated that an additional 170000 tons will be removed if the 40’ is approved. DNR has been out to survey the site and have approved the proposal. The current CU expires in November, 2023.
If neighbors have problems with their well, Whitewater Limestone will work with the residents and dig another well..
Dick Kraus said his well went dry three days ago. Has not in 53 years.
Roger, a neighbor, said that the neighbors will incur costs if they go deeper. Candi Julson said her house shakes every time they blast.
Ricky – on Willis Ray Rd. has to replace a filter every week as it fills with rust. He and others stated that their water is rusty.
The issue is tabled until the August meeting. In the meantime, Whitewater Limestone will hold a meeting with the residents regarding their issues to determine an agreeable arrangement.
Batterman submitted a quote for developing a baseline report on the current condition of R&W Townline Rd. The report will be used to track potential damage done to the road by Johnson Sand & Gravel when they begin work. Jon made a motion to accept the proposal in the amount of $2500.00, seconded by Bob, and the motion carried.
The invoice from Rock Road for work on E. Lakeshore Dr, W. Lakeshore Dr and Shereda was higher than the quote by $18,000.00. Upon review of the original quote and the invoice it is determined that the excess of the overage relates only to work performed by their third-party service provider. Jon made a motion to only pay the original bid amount, seconded by Bob and the motion carried.
When the Board was compiling the new Town Code, a decision was made to remove any fees or penalties from the code book and develop an appendix that could be adjusted as needed and not require new ordinances every time a change is made. A new schedule was agreed upon and a Resolution will be submitted at the August meeting. The new fees will be included on the Town website.
Discussion/decision for rules about lake contest activities – fisheries, contests, etc. Much discussion was had regarding the various fishing tournaments that happen on Whitewater and Rice Lakes. No decision was made and Jon feels that more discussion and research is required if the Town wants to be more involved with permitting and monitoring the various events.
Ordinance # 7-12-23 B was discussed and approved. This ordinance addresses concerns about overweight trucks accessing Township roads. If any vehicle is caught being overweight, a ticket will be issued with potential fines according to State statutes. (this ordinance is attached to these minutes and will be posted as required by law)
Ordinance # 7-12-23 A addresses changing bond schedules. This ordinance states that the Town is adopting the current bond schedule and any changes that are made going forward. (this ordinance is attached to these minutes and will be posted as required by law)
Jon made a motion to spend $700.00 for a new bucket for the Kabota tractor, seconded by Bob and the motion carried.
The new truck will be delivered the week of July 17. After discussion about appropriate extended warranty packages, Jon made a motion to spend no more than $5500.00 for specific warranties, seconded by Bob and the motion carried.
After discussion regarding an application for an Operator’s license Willow Brook Golf Club, Lowell made a motion to deny her application, Jon seconded, and the motion carried.
After discussion regarding a change in day and date for the August monthly meeting, the new date is Thursday, August 17 starting at 7:00 PM.
Rich Charts extended an invitation to the Board to attend the annual meeting for the Whitewater/Rice Lake management Association. The meeting is scheduled for 9:00 AM, August 26, 2023 at the Whitewater Lions Club.
The monthly bills were reviewed and signed.
Jon made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Lowell and the motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:15 PM.
Respectfully submitted by Jorja Boiley, Clerk/Treasurer