8-10-2022 Minutes monthly board meeting




Lowell called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM

Norm made a motion to approve the agenda as amended to included a time for public input, Bob seconded the motion and the motion carried.

Norm made a motion to approve the minutes for the July 21, 2022 special town board, seconded by Bob and the motion carried.

Treasurer: cash and fund balances were read. Payne and Dolan’s invoice for Engel Rd came in under the bid by 13K.

The August 9, 2022 partisan primary election results: 504 votes; 114 absentee ballots mailed, 92 returned, 17 new registrations. Due to the confusion surrounding the concept of a partisan primary when a person can only vote for one party, several ballots were spoiled.

Per 2020 census: the current Town of Whitewater population is 1437 with 1153 residents who are eligible to vote. The new population is down -2.31% since the last census in 2010.

Norm made a motion to accept the treasurer and clerk reports, seconded by Bob and the motion carried.


Supervisor’s reports:

Norm: regarding the spillway, Carl and Norm checked on the water levels. He explained to Carl that at a certain water level the signs for “no wake” need to be opened. Carl will be the one to contact the Board who will determine if the no wake signs should be utilized. If yes, there is a list of people who have volunteered to adjust the signs.


Bob – no report

Lowell – no report.

Carl – Monday there were a couple of downed trees that took out some wires. WE Energies was on sight. Trimming along roadside and installing street signs. Scott Construction is doing cold patch today which will be pliable at first and while it appears that driving over it is damaging the roadway but the tracks dissipate. It is estimated that the chip sealing will begin in about three weeks.
Sheriff’s Department incident report: Nick – there were 195 service calls in July 195. Unfortunately, there was a drowning on July 11th.


Members of the Whitewater District Schools presented information about the referendum scheduled for November election. While the district is asking for a 2.4 million referendum, this is not new money but a renewal of a previous add on. The continuing need for money is based on a state guideline in 1993 that kept certain increases based on the budget at that time. Whitewater schools were much smaller at that time and the limits were not conducive to running a school district that has grown.  There are about 50% of the school population who have basic needs the schools meet ie; school lunches. A growing population of students from Nicaragua and do not speak English. The district has hired some bilingual teachers. The language issue is spread out through the 12 grades. The students are grouped so that they are both languages in each group.  In 2020- 2021 about 170 students left to attend other school districts who had less restrictive masking and virtual classes. Of those, about 70 have returned.


Johnson Sand and Gravel agrees to build a driveway to R&W Townline Rd and truck traffic will be directed only to the WEST and Rt 89. The only non-compliance would be if there was a local delivery within the Town. As previously discussed, there would be an agreement that would include a charge per ton for building a $200,000.00 fund for use to repair the roads that will be damaged from the heavy truck traffic. If there is need for road repair Johnson would keep the fund at $200K.
Dave Monk raised questions about loss of property value, who will fix the hole left when the pit has been fully depleted, what will be the hours of operation. No one was notified about the potential pit being re-opened. Wondering what the footprint will become. Others in attendance raised objections to having the pit re-opened.


Norm thinks that there may not be enough support from county to approve opening up more land for the pit expansion. Norm was not comfortable with the contract that was drawn by Johnson Sand & Gravel and asked if they have any current contracts with towns who have Class B roads. He said they do and would send copies. Norm suggests that the town attorney look at the contracts because the one presented currently has too many loopholes. Norm made a motion to have the Town’s attorney draw a new contract, Bob seconded the motion and the motion carried.


David Monk spoke to a situation on Glacial Drive that involves a stop sign that is not visible to approaching traffic due to overgrown trees. His contention is that the stop sign is not located in the proper place and needs to be moved left of where it is currently located. He supplied pictures showing where stop signs need to be placed. His written information is attached to the minutes. When the stop sign was installed, there was a need to avoid a gas pipeline. He feels that the sign could be moved to the left and the pipeline should not be an issue. It was suggested that he contact Diggers Hotline who would assess if the sign could be moved. He will make that contact.

He is willing to trim the trees himself once the placement of the stop sign is determined.


The second item that Dave wanted to address is changing the speed limit on Glacial Drive. He suggests that it should be 25 mph signs. He suggests that with no speed signs posted the Town is exposed to a liability in case of an accident. If speeds are posted, then the driver would be responsible. The Board indicated that in order to change the speed limit, a Town ordinance would be required.


Along the same issue regarding road right of way as it pertains to Township maintenance, Norm made a motion to spend $120 for an app on Carl’s phone that will locate the exact lot line for properties. Bob seconded the motion and the motion carried.



In 2006 a request from the Wilmington family to discontinue a portion of North Court was presented.  There was an issue with an attorney invoice that was not been paid and the project was tabled. Now the family wants to reopen the request. After a search, the invoice was located.

Norm made a motion to send them a letter that includes the amount due and once paid, then they are allowed to reopen the request, seconded by Bob and the motion carried.


Norm made a motion to approve the contract for Public Works Superintendent, seconded by Bob and the motion carried.


A letter will be sent to all property owners to ask for input regarding allowing access for ATV/UTV’s on Town roads. This will be a non-binding survey. The letter was read and is attached to these minutes.


An Emergency Mutual Aid Agreement was drafted by the County. It outlines the steps to take in an emergency and the commitment by each Township to supply aid if necessary. The agreement includes the pricing for the sharing of equipment and manpower.


Public input:

Ms. Brienne Brown is running for a seat in District 31. The area is mostly rural and her focus will be schools, roads and upgrading broadband capabilities.


The Board reviewed and approved monthly bills.

Norm made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Bob and the motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:50 PM


Respectively submitted by Jorja Boiley, Clerk/Treasurer