2-10-2021 Minutes Board Meeting


Minutes 2-10-2021 Town of Whitewater Board Meeting

Lowell Hagen called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM
In attendance: Lowell Hagen, Norm Preusener, Bob Strand and Jorja Boiley

Norm Prusener made a motion to accept the agenda as presented, seconded by Bob Strand and the motion passed unanimously

After review of minutes of the February 3, 2021 Special Board Meeting, Norm Prusener made a motion to accept the minutes as written, seconded by Bob Strand, the motion passes unanimously.

Treasurer report – account balances were read. All future tax bills are payable to Walworth County.

Clerk Report – In-person voting has been slow, approximately 50 absentee ballots have been mailed, Public testing for the voting machine is scheduled for Friday, Feb. 12.
The patrol boat will be docked at the Lion’s Club.

Supervisors reports:

Norm and Bob did not have any report

He shared that based on repair issues with the white plow truck, both the current issue with a broken chain that precluded sanding on some roads during the most recent storm and additional work that is required to keep the truck in good working order, the Town should consider purchasing a newer truck. With the current balance in the Truck & Equipment account along with the funds from the recent sale of another vehicle, there would be enough money to purchase a newer, more efficient piece of equipment. Research is planned to locate a suitable vehicle.

Sgt. Jacob Skibba reported that the department responded to 247 calls in January averaging 8 per day. One was a serious incident with a roll-over accident on Rt 59.

Norm Prusener made a motion for the town to purchase a traffic counter at a price not to exceed $350.00, the motion was seconded by Bob Strand and motion passed unanimously. Bob Strand will handle the research.

Discussion regarding fees collected for various services provided (fire numbers, Title company research requests, NSF checks, etc.). The attorney will be consulted to establish specific guidelines which will be published on the website.

Rich Charts reported on the history of Lake Management’s involvement with the Town of Richmond’s plans to reroute water from Lake Loraine into Whitewater Lake. Richmond’s intention with the project is to prevent consistent flooding on adjacent roads which causes road closures and damage to homes in the area due to the flooding. Lake Management has strong concerns that the proposed change could affect quality of water in Whitewater Lake. Additionally, raising the level of Whitewater Lake with the additional infusion of water would negatively impact the Whitewater Lake shore. Homeowners have been making expensive repairs in order to fix the current erosion. Lake Management has assembled a team of consultants who have been working with the committee to help with the details for the project. The DNR is involved on both sides and has sent a letter to Richmond asking for additional information on how the Town plans to protect the environment and follow state guidelines. Lake Management is opposed to this project.

Norm Prusener made a motion to accept the contract from the Sheriff’s Dept for the boat patrol for the 2021 season, Bob Strand seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.

While no motions have been offered regarding prospective road repairs for 2021, the Board is continuing to gather information and review viable options

The Board approved and signed checks.

Norm Prusener made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Bob Strand, the motion passed and the meeting adjourned at 8:50 PM

Respectively submitted by Jorja Boiley.  Clerk/Treasurer