Minutes 12-08-2021 Board Meeting



December 8, 2021


Lowell Hagen called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM

In attendance: Lowell Hagen, Bob Strand, Norm Prusener and Jorja Boiley

Norm made a motion to approve the agenda as presented, seconded by Bob, motion carried unanimously.

After a review of the November 10, 2021 Board Meeting minutes, Norm made a motion to approve the minutes as written, seconded by Bob and the motion carried unanimously.


Treasurer report: cash account and money market account balances were read.

Clerk’s report: the GWLPOA summer events calendar is available. Rural Insurance indicates that the town can request a change in job classification that allows the board members to be included at the same rate as clerk and not as a member of the road crews. This will be a significant savings.

Supervisors reports:

Norm spoke to the resident who had spread gravel in front of their home and across the road from their home. The gravel is on Town property and is causing a potential hazard issue with the gravel spilling onto the road. The resident is in the process of removing the gravel, however, the colder temperatures is impeding the ability to remove the gravel entirely.


Sheriff’s Department incident report – the liaison officer was not in attendance.

The annual audit and financial statement preparation contract with Pat Romenesko is $4300.00.

The renewal with Rural Insurance reflects an amount that agrees with the 2022 budget and payment will be made before December 21, 2021.

Anne Korman responded to the Town’s request to include the repairs needed in DNR’s 2022 budget. She indicated that the 2022 budget was finalized. She will be including the quoted amount of $78,000.00 in the 2023 DNR budget.


Sean Blanton provided information regarding the buoys on Whitewater Lake. At the end of the 2021 season, 138 buoys were pulled from the lake and 40 of them are damaged and not reparable. A subcommittee of the Lakes Management Association, Lake Safety, met to discuss the need for replacing all 40 buoys. Sean priced buoys from various companies and found the best price and deal from a company in Waukesha, Walsh’s Marine Product, Inc.. New buoys average $210.00 each and the Walsh’s indicated that they would charge $179.00 if the town would commit to placing the order as soon as possible.


There is also a grant program through the DNR that reimburses 50% of the money spent on new buoys. The Safety committee is asking the Town of Whitewater to pay $9000.00 for 49 new buoys and 100 caps. The GWLPOA has already donated $1500.00 towards the purchase. There is $4000.00 in the Town 2022 budget earmarked for buoys and the town would also advance the balance of $3500.00. The grant money would be paid in 2022.

Norm made a motion to purchase 49 buoys @ $179.00/each and 100 caps (at $3.00/each), seconded by Bob and the motion carried.


Additional information is an anonymous donor will purchase 50 cement blocks for the buoys.


Lowell indicated that if for any reason the DSNR does not reimburse for the costs, the Safety Patrol budget will be reduced by that amount.


The safety committee and board both agree to limit the number of buoys on the lake to 140. Included in that number is additional buoys in the channel area. No buoys will be used to mark the bog area.


Suggestion was made to store the buoys in a warm area but there is no space at the Town Hall. perhaps they can be stored at the same place where the boat is stored.


Attorney Martin Murphy, on behalf of Bruce Meisner, presented their case for possible purchase of a 50’ strip of land next their property on Woodchuck Alley. Their issue is lack of street parking and that they cannot build a garage on their property due to the placement of the septic field. parcel of land. The proposal is to purchase the 50’ strip of land and build a garage on the parcel.


Norm indicated that the parcel is considered park property by the DNR and will not allow the sale. He also suggested that a garage on “stilts” could be built over the septic field.


The Resolution to approve the redistricting map within the Township was amended to correct a misplacement of one area from ward 1 to ward three.


Baker Tilly is a consulting firm retained by Walworth County to assist towns with managing the ARPA funds. The county is paying Baker Tilly $4000.00 on behalf of each township. Norm made a motion to engage Baker Tilly for the $4000.00 offered by the County, seconded by Bob and the motion carried.






Norm made a motion to accept the $1,000.00 permit fee from WE Energies and not pursue the cash bond, Bob seconded the motion and the motion carried.


Norm made a motion to use $1,000.00 from the tree removal 2022 budget and authorize Carl to purchase the equipment needed to improve the ability to manage tree/branch removal. Equipment would include commercial type chain saw, rope and blower, motion was seconded by Bob, the motion carried.


Norm made a motion to increase the employee Christmas bonus from $100.00 to $125.00, seconded by Lowell, the motion carried. Bonus checks will be issued to Carl, Tim, Donna and Jorja.


Public input:

question raised about allowing ATV/snowmobiles on town roads. Lowell does not think that would be viable.

Per Carl, snow fencing was installed today.


Suggestion for purchasing spinners on top of stop signs at some intersections where there is not a clear view. The intersection at the corner of County Rd P and Kettle Moraine DR. is dangerous and there are many close calls. The topic will be added to the next monthly meeting agenda.


The Board reviewed, approved and signed checks.


Norm made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Bob, the motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM.


Respectively submitted by Jorja Boiley, Clerk/Treasurer