Information on re-opening gravel pit




Regarding County level meetings and the Johnson Sand & Gravel proposal to re-open the gravel pit in the Town of Whitewater.  The pit in question is the Triebold Pit located on Engel Road, .5 MI south of Glacial Drive, Whitewater.


Since the re-opening of the gravel pit in the Town of Whitewater is a zoning issue, there is no reason to attend any Walworth County Board meeting.


County Zoning Agency meetings are held on the third Thursday of each month. The meeting agenda is published normally sometime close to the second Thursday of the month. This meeting does not afford public comments or questions unless the topic is on the agenda for that meeting. According to a conversation with the County Administration department, to date no zoning request has been presented to the County. It is very unlikely that the topic will be on the September meeting agenda.


Members of the public can always check the county website for the CZA agendas and concerned citizens are welcome to speak at the public hearing when the item is on the agenda.


This information is effective as of Monday, August 29, 2022.


Jorja Boiley

Clerk Treasurer