Minutes 10-12-2022



Lowell called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm, on 10-12-2022

In attendance were Lowell, Bob, (welcome back, Bob) Norm, Carl, jorja

Norm made a motion to approve the agenda as presented, Bob seconded the motion, and the motion carried.

Norm made a motion to approval the Minutes from the  9-14-2022 Board Meeting, Lowell seconded the motion and the motion carried.


Treasurer report – cash account and fund balances were read.

Clerk report – New official population report for the Town. As of January 1, 2022, the Town has 1,437 residents with 1,224 eligible to vote. These numbers are based on the 2020 Census.
Norm made a motion to accept the Treasurer and Clerk’s report, motion seconded by Bob and the motion carried.

Norm – no report

Bob – no report

Lowell – Lowell indicated that he has fielded several phone calls and in person questions regarding the gravel pit re-opening.

Carl: ditch mowing is complete and it took a month to complete. He is planning on doing tree work and will enlist the part time crew to assist. The canopy was removed from the boat lift. He has 3-4 people to help remove the buoys from Whitewater Lake. New plow will not be ready for this season.

Sheriff’s report: Nick Yohanek was not in attendance.

Road discontinuation:
Samantha McCoy, the attorney for the Wilmington family, presented paperwork for discontinuing N. Court Road. She outlined the process for completion of the action. The Board will draw a resolution, the Clerk will publish 30 days in advance and the discontinuation will be approved at the December, 2022 Board Meeting. Norm made a motion to grant the discontinuation, Bob seconded the motion and the motion carried.

John’s Disposal contract offered two pricing options. One would be for one year and the other extends the current contract until 2025, which includes a reduced rate. Norm made a motion to accept the extension increase, seconded by Bob and the motion carried.

Walworth County Public Works submitted their cost for the sand and salt for the coming season. Their rates were lower than the 2022 rates. The MOU was accepted


After a brief discussion regarding what the Town can legally decide in regards to the re-opening of the gravel pit. Legal advice is that the Town cannot prevent the pit from reopening. As a result of this finding, Bob made a motion to rescind the previous motion made at the September meeting regarding a referendum on the next available election that would ask the voters about reopening the pit, the motion was seconded by Lowell and the motion carried.

Paul Brockmeyer asked what would happen if the County wanted more gravel once the thirteen acres were completed. The general opinion is that the original area will be restored and additional acres would then be excavated. He also expressed concerns about the trucks speeding to Hwy 89.

Dave Monk asked what the hours of operation would be.

Jorja will consult with the Town attorney regarding writing a new contract with Johnson Sand and Gravel that would include stipulating hours of operation, which roads could be used for the larger trucks, weight limits on the trucks and how to agree on the road conditions and having a bond to cover the cost of repair. Specifically, there is a need to address the issue of who actually is damaging the roads.

WE Energies, gas division is planning on a project that would connect two pipelines between the stations on Reliance Road and county P.   Norm make a motion that WE Energies completes the Utility Permit, submit a permit fee of $1,000.00 which will prompt the Board to determine potential restoration costs for which WE Energies will post a bond in the amount determined. Bob seconded the motion and the motion carried with 2/3 majority.

Carl is asking for a health insurance plan that will not charge for co-pays. The cost for this plan over the original one selected is minimal. Carl is also wanting to purchase on his own an extended dental coverage policy. Lowell made a motion to go with higher plan, Norm seconded the motion and the motion carried.

Public Input:
Claudia Holst feels that “hidden road” sign should be installed near County P and Shereda.

Dave Monk is again asking for a speed sign of 25 mph on Glacial Drive. Jorja and Carl will check on the need for an engineering study to justify the change.

The first Budget Workshop will be held on October 24, 2022 at 8:30 AM

Bob made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Lowell and the motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:17 PM

Respectively submitted, Jorja Boiley, Clerk/Treasurer