Chapter 30 Parks and Recreation


Sees.  30-1-30-29.  Reserved.

Article I.  In General




Article II.    Whitewater Lake  and  Rice Lake



Division 1.    Generally

Sec.  30-30.       Applicability and enforcement.

Sec.  30-31.        State boating  and water  safety  laws  adopted. Sec.  30-32.                         Forfeitures and deposits.

Sees.  30-33-30-55.  Reserved.





Sec.  30-56.       Intent.

Division 2.   Additional  Regulations


Sec.  30-57.       Applicability and enforcement.

Sec.  30-58.        Traffic lane. Sec.  30-59.                         Water  skiing.

Sec.  30-60.       Speed restrictions.

Sec.  30-61.       Swimming regulations. Sec.  30-62.                         Aircraft  prohibited.

Sec.  30-63.       Mooring of boats.

Sec.  30-64.       Organized  events  and displays. Sec.  30-65.                         Additional  traffic  rules.

Sec.  30-66.       Forfeitures. Sees.  30-67-30-75.  Reserved.





Sec.  30-76. Sec.  30-77.


Intent. Citations.

Division 3.    Lake Accesses


Sec. 30-78. Sec.  30-79.

Sec.  30-80.

Sec. 30-81. Sec. 30-82. Sec. 30-83. Sec.  30-84.




Sec. 30-85. Sec.  30-86.

Improvements on accesses. General use of accesses.

Special  uses of accesses. Special  use permits. Parking on accesses.

Storage of items  on lake  accesses. Alteration and encroachment of accesses.



Division 4.   Town Road Access to Lake Areas


Intent of division. Citations.



*Cross  references-Town water  patrol,§ 1-161 et seq.; law enforcement, ch. 26; snowmo­

biles, § 46-161 et seq.






Sec. 30-87. Sec. 30-88. Sec. 30-89. Sec.  30-90.




Sec. 30-91. Sec. 30-92. Sec.  30-93.

Piers  and  boat lifts in or to town roadways prohibited. Presumptions.

Storage of items  on lake  accesses.

Parking on town roadways contiguous to lakes  prohibited.


Division  5.   Enforcement Procedure


Citation; nature, issuance, release of accused. Failure of defendant to appear.



PARKS AND RECREATION                                                    § 30-31





Sees. 30-1-30-29. Reserved.








Sec. 30-30.  Applicability and enforcement.


The  provisions of this  article shall apply  to the  waters of Whitewater Lake  and  adjoining channels and  lying  within the  corporate limits of the  Towns  of Richmond and  Whitewater, Walworth  County,   Wisconsin.  The   provisions  of  this   article shall be  enforced   under the jurisdiction of the  Town of Richmond and  Whitewater, Walworth County,  Wisconsin.

(Ord.  of 4-11-01,  art. I-A; Ord.  No. 031010,  § 5, 3-10-10)


Sec. 30-31.  State boating and water safety laws adopted.


The  statutory provisions describing and  defining regulations with  respect to water traffic, boats,  boating and   related  water  activities in  the   following   enumerated  sections of  the Wisconsin Statutes, exclusive of any provisions therein relating to the penalties to be imposed or the  punishment for violation of the  statutes, are  hereby adopted and  by reference made  a part of this  article as if fully  set  forth. Any act  required to be performed or prohibited by the provisions of the  statutes incorporated by reference in this  article is required or prohibited by

this  article as follows:






30.523(2) or (3)









Operate boat  without valid  certificate of number

Give permission to operate boat  without valid  certificate of number

Fail  to have  certificate of number on boat

Failure to display registration number or decal  on boat

Fail  to transfer certificate of number or title

Fail  of purchaser to apply  for registration or title Fail  to notify  of abandonment or destruction of boat Fail  to notify  of change of address

Operate boat  between sunset and  sunrise without required lights Moored boats  and structures beyond  200 feet from shore without lights Operate a personal watercraft from  sunset to sunrise

Operate without proper equipment




*Editor’s note-Ordinances adoptedApril11, 2001, andApril14, 2004,  amended art. II to read   as  herein set  out.  Former art. II,  §§ 30-31-30-35, 30-56-30-60,  30-76-30-86, and

30-101-30-109, pertained to boating, and  were  derived from  Ord.  No. 20,  adopted Aug. 14,

1973;  Ord.  No. 7WR, §§ I-A, II,  III,  VII, XI, and  XII, adopted May 10, 1976;  Ord.  No. 7WRA,

  • §II-VI, VIII-XI, XIA, XIB, and XII, adopted July 11, 1983; Ord.  No. 24, §§ 2-10, adopted

June 21, 1984;  and  Res.  No. 873,  adopted Dec. 9, 1987.


















































Operate without proper muffler or in excess  of maximum noise  levels Failure to provide  proper number of personal floatation devices  (PFD) Fail  to wear  a PFD  on a personal watercraft

Required safety devices

Failure to have  required fire extinguishing equipment aboard

Operate at speed greater  than slow-no-wake on lakes  50 acres  or less

Reducing speed  and  yielding right-of-way to patrol boats

Fail  to stop  for officer

Improper passing when  meeting “head  to head” Failure to yield  right-of-way

Failure to yield  right-of-way to sailboat or rowboat Failure to yield  right-of-way when  overtaking or passing Duty  of boat  granted right-of-way

Unreasonable or imprudent speed

Operate at  speed  in excess  of posted  notice

Operate motorboat within 100 feet  of dock,  raft  or pier  at a speed  in excess  of slow-no-wake speed

Operate a  PWC  greater  than  slow-no-wake speed  within 100  feet  of another boat

Duty  to report accidents

Fail  to render aid  at boating accident

Falsifying distress signal

Negligent operation

Operation by incapacitated person  or minor

Creating hazardous wake  or wash

Facing backward while  operating a PWC Operating in circular course

Creating wake  while  towing with  a PWC Riding on decks  or gunwales

Restricted areas

Anchoring in  traffic  lanes Illegal mooring buoys  (Daily) Overloading

Unnecessary sounding whistles

Molesting or destroying aids  to navigation and  regulatory markers

Operate a motorboat while  intoxicated

Operate motorboat with  alcohol  concentration above 0.10 percent

Cause injury by intoxicated operation of motorboat

Refusal to take chemical test, intoxicated motorboat operation

Operating boat  towing  water skier without observer

Operating boat  towing water skier  between sunset and  sunrise


PARKS AND RECREATION                                                     § 30-58




30.69(1m)(c)                      Operate a personal watercraft not  designed for 3 people  while  towing a water skier








Water  skiing, within 100 feet  of restricted area

Water  skiing, within 100 feet  of a personal watercraft

Intoxicated skier or aquaplaner

Unlawfully engage in skin  diving

Operate boat  with  improperly sealed toilet

Inadequate onshore disposal facilities



(Ord.  of 4-11-01,  art. I-A)


Sec. 30-32.  Forfeitures and deposits.


Forfeitures or violation of any  of the  above provisions shall be assessed in accordance with

W.S.A. § 30.80.

(Ord.  of 4-11-01,  art. I-A)


Sees. 30-33-30-55.  Reserved.





Sec. 30-56.  Intent.


It is the  intent of this  division  to provide  free  access  to Whitewater and  Rice Lakes for all users and further provide safe and healthful conditions for the enjoyment of aquatic recreation consistent with  public  needs  and  the  capacity of the water resource. To this  end,  the  Towns of Whitewater and  Richmond set  forth  the  additional provisions set  out  in this  division.

(Ord.  of 4-11-01,  art. I-A)


Sec. 30-57.  Applicability and enforcement.


(a)  This  division  shall apply  to the  waters of Rice Lake  and  Whitewater Lake  lying  within the corporate limits of the Towns ofWhitewater and  Richmond. The provisions of this  division shall be enforced under the  jurisdiction of the  towns.


(b)  Officers  patrolling the waters may stop and  board  any boat for the  purpose of enforcing W.S.A. §§ 30.50  to 30.80,  and  for conducting search and  rescue operations, if the  officers have reasonable cause  to  believe  there is  a  violation of the  sections, rules  or  ordinances or  the stopping and  boarding of any  boat  is essential to conduct a search and  rescue operation. (Ord. of 4-11-01,  art. I-A; Ord.  No. 031010,  § 5, 3-10-10)


Sec. 30-58.  Traffic lane.


(a)  A traffic lane  is  hereby established  embracing the  surface of Rice  and  Whitewater Lakes, Walworth County,  Wisconsin, in their entirety, excepting therefrom that portion of the waters thereof lying  between the  shoreline and  a line  parallel to 150  feet  distant from  the





shoreline, and  excepting therefrom the  northwest, northeast and  southwest bays.  These exceptions are  designated “slow-no wake” areas. All channels shall be deemed “slow-no wake” areas.


(b)  No pier shall extend further into  the lakes from  the shoreline than 50 feet, no raft  shall be anchored or moored  where it extends into  a traffic lane, no private buoy shall  be located in a traffic  lane, and  no boat  shall be moored  where it can drift  into  a traffic  lane. All provisions of this  section  shall be consistent with  W.S.A. § 30.13.

(Ord.  of 4-11-01,  art. I-A)



Sec. 30-59.  Water  skiing.


(a)   Prohibited at certain times;  exceptions.


(1)    Except   as  provided  in  subsection (a)(2)  of  this   section, no  person   may  operate a motorboat towing  a person  on water skis,  aquaplane or similar device unless there is in the  boat  a competent person in addition to the  operator in a position  to observe the progress of the  person  being  towed. An observer shall be considered competent if they in fact can observe such  person  being towed and  relay any signals to the operator. This observer requirement does not  apply  to motorboats classified as class A motorboats by the  department actually operated by the  person being  towed  and  so constructed as to be incapable of carrying the  operator in or on the  motorboat. No person  shall operate a boat for the purpose oftowing a water skier or engage in water skiing except between the  hours of9:00 a.m. and  7:00p.m., or sunset, whichever is earlier, Friday,  Saturday, holidays, and  the  day preceding a holiday. Water  skiing and  boat wakes are  permitted Sunday, Monday, Tuesday,  Wednesday and  Thursday from 9:00 a.m.  to sunset, except if one of these days  would  be a legal  holiday or the  day  preceding a holiday.


(2)    Subsection (a)(1) of this  section does  not  apply  to duly  authorized water ski  tourna­ ments, competitions, exhibitions or  trials  therefor, where adequate lighting is  pro­ vided.


(b)  Careful  and  prudent operation. A person operating a motorboat having in tow a person on water skis,  aquaplane or similar device shall operate such  a boat in a careful and  prudent manner and  at a reasonable distance from  the  persons and  property so as not to endanger the life or property of any  person.


(c)  Restriction. No boat  towing  persons engaged in  water skiing, aquaplaning or similar activity on any lake shall engage in such  activity within 100 feet of any occupied anchored boat or marked swimming area or public boat landing except where pickup  and drop are established and  marked with  regulatory markers.


(d)  Tow lines. There shall be no more than two tow lines  and  only two persons using the tow lines  as a means of water skiing or similar sport. The  persons being  towed  must  be equipped with  a  coast  guard approved personal flotation device.  No tow  line  shall exceed  75 feet  in length.


PARKS AND RECREATION                                                     § 30-60



(e)  Observance of rules.  Any boat  engaged in  towing  a person or water skis,  aquaplane or similar device must conform  to all sections of this  division  and,  in addition must  operate in a counterclockwise pattern  on both lakes and  inlet and  outlet in the  traffic lane.

(f)  Towed or untowed flight banned. No water skier  behind any boat will be permitted to be lifted  into  the  air  by any  means including parasailing, hang gliding or other means, whether the  tow remains in place or not,  after the  skier is aloft.

(g)  Authority to  conduct   tournaments. To become  duly  authorized to  conduct water ski tournaments, competitions, exhibitions or trials, the  applicant must do the  following:

(1)    Appear before the Town Boards of Richmond and Whitewater with  a practice and show schedule and  present a  plan  with  all  dates and  times including the  length of each event, before  the  stare of the  season, or not  less  than 30 days  in  advance of a single event. Both  town  boards will be required to approve and  authorize any  practice and show  schedule.

(2)    Have a parking plan as to handle the parking of vehicles the event participants and  the spectators.

(3)    Have  a commitment from  an insurance company for liability insurance that indemni­ fies  and  holds  harmless the  Towns  of Richmond and  Whitewater in  an  amount as directed by each  board.

( 4)    Have in place a representative living in Walworth County who can be contacted at any time   during the  water ski  season regarding any  problems by  either the  Town  of Whitewater or Richmond, as  related to water ski  tournaments,  competitions, exhibi­ tions or trials, parking, insurance, zoning,  noise or the equipment used in that activity. The  applicant shall also present a listing of the  names addresses and  phone  numbers of all  officers  or managers of the  organization that is applying to conduct water ski tournaments, competitions, exhibitions or trial.

(5)    At the  appearance before  the  town  boards the  applicant for authorization  should be prepared to answer questions related to the  zoning of the  property that is proposed  for the  water ski  tournaments, competitions, exhibitions or trials, and  have  in writing a signed document from  any  land  owner,  where  the  event is proposed, that they  have authorized  the   use  of  the   property for  that  purpose. The  board   may  direct that authorization be obtained from  adjacent landowners before  the  event is authorized.

(6)    The  authorization granted by  the  town’s  for  water ski  tournaments,  competitions, exhibitions or trials is conditional upon  performance of all items as stated above,  and additional conditions as may  be imposed  by each  board, and  is not  a license.

(Ord.  of 4-11-01,  art. I-A; Ord.  of 4-14-04,  § 1)


Sec. 30-60.  Speed restrictions.


(a)  All boats  shall operate at  a slow-no wake  speed  after  7:00p.m. or sunset, whichever is earlier, on  Fridays, Saturdays,  holidays and  the  day  preceding a  holiday,  to  9:00  a.m.  the following  day. All other days,  water skiing will be permitted from  9:00 a.m.  until sunset. The maximum speed  outside the  traffic  lane  shall be “slow-no wake”  at all times every  day of the week.





(b)  The provisions in subsection (a) shall not apply  to boats  participating in duly authorized races, water ski  tournaments or  exhibitions, or over  a  course laid  out,  plainly marked and adequately patrolled.


(c)  In  the  event the  water level  on Whitewater Lake  exceeds  an  elevation of 892.56 feet above sea level,  which is the  same as 1.60 feet  on the  ruler bolted  to the  left upstream wall of the dam at the northerly end ofWhitewater Lake,  or in the event of a catastrophe, disaster, riot or  civil  commotion  upon   the   waters  of  either  Whitewater  or  Rice  Lake,   which   impair transportation, medical  services, fire,  health or  police  protection on  the  waters, either the Town Chairperson of the  Town of Whitewater or the  Town Board  of the  Town of Whitewater can  declare an  emergency and  impose   upon  the  entire body  or  bodies  of waters of either Whitewater or Rice Lakes  a “slow-no-wake” speed  restriction on watercraft operating on the waters of the lake  or lakes, to last  until the waters recede  below 1.60 feet on the  ruler, or until the  particular emergency situation is resolved.


(d)  On top of this dam there is a Wisconsin Railroad Commission metal circular benchmark, set  at 895.63 feet  above sea  level.  The  top of the  ruler bolted  to the  left  upstream wall  of the dam  is 1.33 feet  below the  benchmark. 1.60 feet  on the  ruler is 1.74 feet  below the  top ofthe ruler.


(e)  “Slow-no-wake” is  the  speed  at which  a  boat  moves  as  slowly  as  possible  while  still maintaining steerage control.


(f) The  slow-no-wake restriction will be posted  at all  public  watercraft access  locations on

Whitewater and  Rice Lakes when  in effect.

(Ord.  of 4-11-01,  art. I-A; Ord.  No. 051408,  5-14-08)



Sec. 30-61.  Swimming regulations.


(a)  Swimming from boats  prohibited. No person shall swim  from any boat  unless such  boat is anchored and  unless the  swimmers stay  within 25 feet of the  boat.  Boats  used  as bases for swimmers shall be adequately supplied with  coast  guard approved flotation devices  to be used in emergencies.


(b)  No person shall swim  more  than 150 feet  from  the  shore, nor  shall any  person do any distance swimming unless he or she  is accompanied by a boat  containing a ring  buoy or coast guard approved personal flotation device and  person trained in life saving technique. For this type  of swimming, if there be more  than one swimmer, each  shall be accompanied by a boat. No person shall swim  in a traffic lane  from  sunset to sunrise.

(Ord.  of 4-11-01,  art. I-A)



Sec. 30-62.  Aircraft prohibited.


It is hereby prohibited for any aircraft to land  upon  the surface of Rice or Whitewater Lakes covered  by this  division. The  surface shall include ice as  well as water. All provisions of this section shall be consistent with  W.S.A. § 114.105.

(Ord.  of 4-11-01, art. I-A)


PARKS AND RECREATION                                                     § 30-65



Sec. 30-63.   Mooring of boats.


No person, firm or corporation shall dock or moor any boat on the waters or along the shores of Rice and  Whitewater Lakes for the  purpose of living,  sleeping or camping.

(Ord.  of 4-11-01,  art. I-A)



Sec. 30-64.  Organized events and displays.


(a)  No person, persons or corporations shall organize or participate in any  event  or display upon  the surface of Whitewater or Rice Lakes without first  obtaining a permit for such  activity from  the  town  board  of the  town  in which  the  activity shall be held.


(b)  Request for a permit for  organized events or displays shall be presented to the  town board  in triplicate before  the  second  Monday of the  month preceding the  event.


(c)  Request for a permit shall describe the  event, time  of the  event, and  area of the  lake  to be used.


(d)  Upon  action  by the  proper  town  board,  one copy of the  permit shall be returned to the applicant, and  one copy to be retained by the  town  clerk.


(e)  It is unlawful for any person or persons, during an organized event or display approved by either of the  town boards, to anchor any  boat  within the  designated area for the  organized event or to in any  way interfere with  the  participants or the  organized event in any  manner. (Ord.  of 4-11-01,  art. I-A)



Sec. 30-65.  Additional traffic rules.


In addition to the foregoing,  the following rules  shall apply  to boats  using the waters of Rice and  Whitewater Lakes:


(1)     Mooring  lights required. No person shall moor or anchor any  boat,  raft, buoy or other floating object  or  permit it  to  drift   in  the   traffic   lane   described in  section  30-58, between sunset and  sunrise unless there is  prominently displayed thereon a  white light  of sufficient size and  brightness to be visible  from any direction (360 degrees) for a distance of one mile on a dark night with  clear  atmosphere. This subsection does not apply  to duly  authorized water ski  tournaments,  competition exhibits, or displays or trials thereof where adequate lighting is provided.


(2)    The  drivers or  operators of all  boats  by  means of which  aquaplanes, water skis  or similar objects  are  being  towed,  and  the  riders of such  aquaplanes, water skis  or similar objects,  must conform  to the  same  rules and  clearances as provided for in this division.

(Ord.  of 4-11-01,  art. I-A)





Sec. 30-66. Forfeitures.


Any person who shall violate the provisions of division 2 [sections 30-56-30-65] shall forfeit not less  than $10.00,  nor  more  than $200.00, together with  costs  imposed by law.

(Ord.  of 4-11-01,  art. I-A)



Sees. 30-67-30-75. Reserved.


DIVISION 3.  LAKE ACCESSES Sec. 30-76. Intent.


It is the  intent of this  division  to provide  for safe  public  use of the  accesses held  in trust by the  Towns  of Whitewater and  Richmond, Walworth County,  Wisconsin and  to  preserve the natural resources in  these areas.

(Ord.  of 4-11-01,  art. I-A)



Sec. 30-77. Citations.


Citations for violations of any of the following  provisions shall follow the  procedure listed in W.S.A. §§ 66.119  and  66.12.  Cash  deposit for violation shall be a minimum of $35.00  for the first violation and  shall not  exceed  $200.00  for succeeding offenses.

(Ord.  of 4-11-01,  art. I-A)



Sec. 30-78. Improvements on accesses.


As provided in W.S.A. § 236.16,  nothing in this  division shall require either of the  towns  to improve the  land  provided for public  access.

(Ord.  of 4-11-01,  art. I-A)



Sec. 30-79. General use of accesses.


The  general public   may  use  the   accesses for  getting fishing, boating and   recreational equipment to the  lake  on those  accesses where terrain and  soil conditions make possible safe and  reasonable movement of such  equipment from  the  nearest public  highway to the lake. No use ofthe lake  access  that is in violation of state, federal or county statutes shall be permitted. (Ord.  of 4-11-01,  art. I-A)



Sec. 30-80. Special uses of accesses.


Special uses  of the lake  accesses shall include, but  not be limited to: Research groups, weed harvesting and  chemical treatment  operators, sea  wall  construction operators, heavy equip­ ment  operators.

(Ord.  of 4-11-01,  art. I-A)


PARKS AND RECREATION                                                     § 30-83



Sec. 30-81. Special use permits.


(a)  Special use operators shall file with  the  town  clerk  in which  the  work  is to be done  an application for a special  lake  access  use permit. Such  application shall describe the date  of the beginning and  ending of the operation, the special equipment to be used,  provisions for public safety  provided, evidence of liability insurance adequate to  cover  all  possible  accidents or damage to other persons, equipment or to terrain or vegetation on the  access,  provision for restoring the  access  to its  condition at the  start of the  operation, evidence of state, county or federal permits required, an  agreement to cease  operation and  remove  equipment within 48 hours of an order  of that town  board, and  the  nature of and  length of time  any  materials will be stored on the access.  That town  board  may require a bond to be posted  by the applicant for possible  costs  in  restoring the  site  to  its  condition prior  to  the  special use.  The  town  may require the  applicant to sign  a statement freeing the  town from  liability to other  users while the  special use is in progress or as  a result of that special use.


(b)  The  town  board  in  which  the  work  is  to  be done  shall, in  open  meeting, review  the application for  special   use  of  the   access   or  accesses. That  town   board   shall  approve or disapprove the  application. In  the  event of approval, the  town  board  will  designate  which access  or accesses may  be used,  the  time  of each  use  and  shall direct  the  clerk  to issue  the permit. This  permit must be displayed on the access  or accesses while the work is in progress. As the work progresses, the town board  may inspect or cause  to be inspected, the operation. If upon  inspection the  operation is not  deemed to be in the  public  interest or violates any  town ordinance or any ofthe terms or conditions of the  permit, it,may require the operator to cease and  desist in the  operation and  restore the  access  or accesses to the  condition that existed at the  start of the operation. The board  may require the operator to surrender his permit for the operation.

(Ord.  of 4-11-01,  art. I-A)


Sec. 30-82. Parking on accesses.


(a)  Parking shall be permitted on the access  in designated areas only between the hours of

6:00 a.m.  to 11:00 p.m. If parking areas are  not designated, all parking shall be done in such a manner that the public may have unimpeded access to the lake at all times. The town boards, in their respective jurisdiction, may  designate no parking areas when  such  areas are  in the best public interest. Stopping or standing a vehicle on the access shall be only for short periods of time  and  shall be done  in a sharing manner with  other access  users.


(b)  Any person  who shall violate the  provisions of this  section, if a sign stating the  parking rule  for that access  has  been  posted  by the  town  board, shall forfeit  not less  than $10.00,  nor more  than $200.00, together with  costs  imposed by law.

(Ord.  of 4-11-01,  art. I-A; Ord.  of 4-14-04,  § 2)


Sec. 30-83. Storage of items on lake accesses.


(a)  Storage of any  material or materials, equipment, weeds  or bog material shall be for a minimal length of time. Any storage shall be allowed  only after a special use  permit has  been issued to the  person  or persons needing to store materials on the  access  in order  to perform





lake-oriented services. Such  permit shall be for the shortest possible  storage period.  Materials stored on the lake  accesses shall be only of those  materials necessary for lake projects such  as, but   not  limited to,  weed  harvesting, bog  removal, chemicals for  authorized treatment  of aquatic nuisances, materials for erosion  and eutrophication control, and  navigation and traffic control  devices  and  research equipment.


(b)  Any  person who  shall violate the  provisions of this  section, shall forfeit  not  less  that

$10.00,  nor  more  than $200.00, together with  costs  imposed by law. (Ord.  of 4-11-01,  art. I-A; Ord.  of 4-14-04,  § 3)



Sec. 30-84. Alteration and encroachment of  accesses.


(a)  No  person   shall alter  the   natural  terrain  of  the   access   by  drainage,  planting  or cultivating  vegetation  without  special  permit  issued  by  the   town   board   after  acquiring assurance in writing from state and  county  agencies that such  alteration is not in violation of state and   county statutes  and  ordinances. No  person   shall encroach upon  any  access   by alteration of boundaries, construction of buildings, drainage of liquids, or deposition of solid waste materials.


(b)  Any person who  shall violate the  provisions of this  section, shall forfeit  not  less  than

$10.00,  nor  more  than $200.00, together with  costs  imposed by law. (Ord.  of 4-11-01,  art. I-A; Ord.  of 4-14-04,  § 4)


DIVISION 4.  TOWN  ROAD ACCESS  TO LAKE AREAS Sec. 30-85. Intent of division.


It is the intent of this  division to provide for safe public  use of the roadways held in trust by the  Towns  of Whitewater and  Richmond, Walworth County,  Wisconsin, and  to  preserve the natural resources oflakes in these areas. Control of contiguous roadways and safe usage  ofthe lakes are interrelated. Both  towns  have  had  problems with  the  use of piers  from areas of town roads  including parked vehicles, roadway obstruction, unsafe fishing activities, picnics  and placement of personal property on town  roads.

(Ord.  of 4-14-04,  § 6)



Sec. 30-86. Citations.


Citations for violations of any of the following provisions shall follow the procedure listed in W.S.A. §§ 66.119  and  66.12.  Cash  deposit for violation shall be a minimum of $100.00 for the first  violation, $200.00 for the second  violation, and  $300.00  for the  third and each  succeeding offenses. Each day of placement of a pier or boat  lift in the  right-of-way or to the  right-of-way is a separate violation.

(Ord.  of 4-14-04,  § 6)


PARKS AND RECREATION                                                     § 30-91



Sec. 30-87. Piers and boat lifts in or to town roadways prohibited.


No one shall be allowed  to place  a pier  or boat  lift in  the  right-of-way, or connected to the right-of-way of a town road. This is applicable to town roads  laid out as public highways under W.S.A. § 80.01(1),  or unrecorded highways under W.S.A. § 80.01(2).  This  is applicable to any land  accreted to a town  road  right-of-way that is laid  out  as  public  highways.

(Ord.  of 4-14-04,  § 6)



Sec. 30-88. Presumptions.


The  town  boards presume that  the  piers   are  being  placed  from  town  roadways at  the direction and   request of any  owners who  moor  watercraft to  them. Unless there is  clear evidence to the contrary (i.e., that someone other than the boat owner  placed  the pier or lift in the roadway), the citation shall be issued to the registered owner of any boat moored to the pier or placed  in the  boat  lift.

(Ord.  of 4-14-04,  § 6)



Sec. 30-89. Storage of items on lake accesses.


(a)  No one shall be allowed  to place any item, in a roadway contiguous to the lake,  or in the right-of-way of a town  road.


(b)  Any  person who  shall violate  the  provisions of this  section, shall forfeit  not  less  that

$10.00,  nor  more  than $200.00, together with  costs  imposed by law. (Ord.  of 4-14-04,  § 6)


Sec. 30-90. Parking on town roadways contiguous to lakes prohibited.


(a)  Parking on either side of a roadway that is contiguous to any lake  in either the Town of Richmond or the  Town of Whitewater is prohibited if the  roadway has  been  posted  with  no parking signs.


(b)  Any person  who shall violate  the  provisions of this  section if a sign stating the  parking rule  for that access  has  been  posted  by the  town  board,  shall forfeit  not less  than $10.00,  nor more  than $200.00, together with  costs  imposed by law.

(Ord.  of 4-14-04,  § 6)


DIVISION 5.  ENFORCEMENT PROCEDURE* Sec. 30-91. Citation; nature, issuance, release of accused.


(a)  Nature. A citation under this  article is a directive, issued by a law enforcement  officer, that a person appear in court  and  answer charges. A citation is not a criminal complaint and may  not  be used  as a substitute for a criminal complaint.


*Editor’s note-Section 5 of an ordinance adopted April14, 2004, renumbered div. 4 as div.

5 to facilitate the  inclusion of new provisions designated as div 4.





(b)  Authority to issue;  effect. A law  enforcement officer may  issue a citation to any  person whom he or she has  reasonable grounds to believe  has committed a violation of any provisions of article II  of this  chapter. A citation may  be issued in  the  field  or  at  the  headquarters  or precinct station of the officer instead of or subsequent to a lawful  arrest. If a citation is issued, the  person cited  shall be released on his  or her  own recognizance unless the  law enforcement officer requires the  person cited  to past  a bond. In determining whether to require a bond,  the law  enforcement officer  may  consider whether:


(1)      The  accused has  given  proper identification. (2)             The  accused is willing  to sign  the  citation.

(3)      The  accused appears  to  represent a  danger of harm to  himself or  herself, another person or property.


(4)      The  accused can  show  sufficient evidence of ties  to the  community.


(5)      The  accused has  previously failed  to appear or failed  to respond to a citation.


(6)      Arrest or  further detention appears necessary to  carry out  legitimate investigative action  in accordance with  law  enforcement agency  policies.


(c)  Contents. The  citation shall do all of the  following:


(1)      Identify the offense and  section which  the  person is alleged  to have  violated, including the  date, and  if material, identify the  property and  other persons involved.


(2)      Contain the name and  address of the person cited, or other identification if that cannot be ascertained.


(3)      Identify the  officer issuing the  citation.


( 4)      Direct  the person cited to appear for his or her initial appearance in a designated court, at a designated time  and  date.


(d)  Service. A copy of the  citation shall be delivered to the  person cited,  and  the  original must be filed with  the  circuit court.


(e)  Citation no bar to criminal summons or warrant. The  prior  issuance of a citation does not  bar  the  issuance of a criminal summons or a warrant for the  same offense,  provided the citation is dismissed after the  criminal summons or warrant is issued.


(f)   Preparation of form. The judicial conference shall prescribe the  form  and  content of the citation under W.S.A. § 758.171.

(Ord.  of 4-11-01,  art. I-A)



Sec. 30-92.  Failure of defendant to  appear.


(a)  If  the   person  so  arrested for  violation of  this   article and   released fails   to  appear personally or by an  authorized attorney or  agent before  the  court  at the  time  fixed  for  the hearing, the  money  deposited by the  accused  pursuant to the  provisions of this  article shall be retained and  used  for the  payment of the  forfeiture, which  forfeiture may  be imposed either


PARKS AND RECREATION                                       § 30-93



with  or without cost as determined by the  court  after the  ex parte hearing upon  the  accused. The  excess,  if any, shall be returned to the  person  who  makes the  deposit upon  his  making application for  the  same. If the  accused is found  not  guilty,  then  the  entire amount of the deposit shall be returned to the  depositor.


(b)  Any person  violating any  of the  terms of this  article shall be subject to arrest whether at the  time ofthe arrest he is on the waterways or upon the shore, and  any water patrol office may  pursue the  offender  ashore to enforce  the  terms of this  article.

(Ord.  of 4-11-01,  art. I-A)


Sec. 30-93.  Bond.


The  law  enforcement officer or any  town  police officer may  accept  money  or bond  deposits from  any  person  charged with  a violation of this  article, and  upon  receipt  of the  bond  shall issue a receipt for the  bond received  to the  person. The law enforcement officer or town  police officer  or  the  county  court  shall deliver forfeited bond  deposits to  the  town  treasurer  upon order  of the  county  court  and  within seven  days  after the  court  issues the  order.

COrd. of 4-11-01,  art. I-A)


PARKS AND RECREATION                                       § 30-80



(d)  Tow lines. There shall be no more than  two tow lines and only two persons using the tow lines  as a means  of water  skiing or similar  sport. The persons  being towed must  be equipped with  a Coast  Guard  approved  personal  flotation  device. No tow line  shall  exceed 75 feet in length.


(e)  Observance of rules. Any boat engaged in towing a person  on water  skis,  aquaplane or similar device must  conform to all sections of this division and, in addition  must  operate  in a counterclockwise pattern  on both lakes  and inlet  and outlet  in the traffic lane.


(D  Towed or untowed  flight banned. No water  skier  behind  any boat will be permitted to be lifted into the  air by any means including  parasailing, hang  gliding or other  means,  whether the tow remains in place or not, after  the skier  is aloft.

(Ord.  No. 7WRA, §IV,  7-11-83)


Sec. 30-80. Speed restrictions.


(a)  All boats shall  operate  at a slow-no wake speed, from 7:00p.m. or sunset, whichever is earlier,  on Fridays,  Saturdays and holidays,  to 9:00 a.m. the following day. All other  days, water  skiing  will be permitted from 9:00 a.m. until  sunset. The maximum  speed outside the traffic lane  shall  be “slow-no wake” at all times  every day of the week.


PARKS AND RECREATION                                      § 30-84



(b) The  provisiOns in  subsection  (a)  shall   not  apply  to  boats  participating in  duly authorized races,  water  ski  tournaments or exhibitions,  or  over a course  laid  out,  plainly marked  and adequately patrolled.

(Ord. No. 7WRA, § V, 7-11-83)


Sec. 30-81.  Swimming regulations.


(a)  Swimming  from boats  prohibited. No person  shall  swim from any  boat unless  such boat is anchored  and unless the swimmers stay within 25 feet of the boat. Boats used as bases for swimmers shall be adequately supplied  with Coast Guard approved flotation  devices to be used in emergencies.


(b)  No person shall swim more than  150 feet from the shore nor shall  any person do any distance  swimming unless he or she is accompanied by a boat containing a ring buoy or Coast Guard approved personal flotation  device and person trained in life saving technique. For this type of swimming, if there  be more than one swimmer, each shall  be accompanied  by a boat. No person shall  swim in a traffic lane from sunset  to sunrise.

(Ord. No. 7WRA, §VI, 7-11-83)


Sec. 30-82. Aircraft prohibited.


It is hereby  prohibited  for any aircraft to land  upon the surface  of Rice Lake covered by this division. The surface shall include ice as well as water. All provisions of this section shall be consistent with W.S.A. § 114.105.

(Ord. No. 7WRA, §VII, 7-11-83)


Sec. 30-83.  Mooring of boats.


No person, firm or corporation shall  dock or moor any boat on the  waters or along the shores  of Rice Lake,  Walworth  County,  Wisconsin,  for  the  purpose  of living,  sleeping  or camping.

(Ord. No. 7WRA, § VIII, 7-11-83)


Sec. 30-84.  Organized events and displays.


(a)  No person, persons or corporations shall organize or participate in any event or display upon the surface of Rice Lake without first obtaining a permit for such activity from the town board of the Town of Whitewater, Walworth  County, Wisconsin.


(b) Request for a permit  for organized  events  or displays shall  be presented to the town board of Whitewater in triplicate before the second Monday of the month preceding  the event.


(c) Request for a permit  shall  describe the event, time of the event,  and area  of the lake to be used.


(d)  Upon action by the town board ofWhitewater, one copy of the permit shall be returned to the applicant, and one copy to the water  safety patrol or law enforcement  officer designated by the town board, and one copy to be retained by the town clerk.





(e)  It is  unlawful for  any  person, persons or  corporations during an  organized event or display approved by the  town  board of Whitewater to anchor any  boat  within the designated area for the organized event or to in any  way interfere with the  participants or the organized event in  any  manner.

(Ord.  No. 7WRA, §IX, 7-11-83)


Sec. 30-85.  Additional traffic rules.


In  addition to the  traffic rules in  W.S.A. § 30.65  adopted in section 30-31 the following rules shall apply to boats using the  waters covered  by this division:


(1)   Mooring lights required. No person shall moor or anchor any  boat,  raft, buoy or other floating object  or  permit it to  drift in  the traffic lane described in  section 30-31 between stmset and  sunrise unless there is  prominently displayed thereon a white light of sufficient size and  brightness to be visible from  any direction (360 degrees) for a distance of one mile on a dark night with clear  atmosphere. This subsection does not apply to duly  authorized water ski  toumaments, competition exhibits, or displays or trials thereof where adequate lighting is provided.


(2)   The  drivers or  operators of all  boats by means of which aquaplanes, water skis or similar objects  are  being  towed,   and  the riders of such aquaplanes, water skis or similar objects, must conform to the  same rules and  clearances as provided for in this division.

(Ord.  No. 7WRA, §X, 7-11-83)


Sec. 30-86.  Forfeitures and deposits.


Forfeitures for violation of any part or parts of this division shall be assessed in accordance with  W.S.A. § 30.80.

(Ord.  No. 7WRA, § XIA, 7-11-83)


Sees. 30-87-30-100. Reserved.





Sec. 30-101. Intent.


It is the intent of this division to provide for safe  public use  of the accesses held in trust by the Town of Whitewater, Walworth County,  Wisconsin and  to preserve the  natural resources in these areas.

(Ord.  No. 24, § 2, 6-21-84)


Sec. 30-102. Penalties.


Citations for violations of this division shall follow the  procedure listed in W.S.A. §§ 66.119 and  66.12.  Cash deposit for violation shall be a minimum of $35.00 for the  first violation and shall not  exceed  $200.00 for succeeding offenses.

(Ord.  No. 24, § 10, 6-21-84)


PARKS AND RECREATION                                      § 30-106



Sec. 30-103. Improvements.


As  provided  in  W.S.A. §  236.16,  nothing in  this  division  shall   require the  Town  of Whitewater, Walworth  County, Wisconsin to improve  the land  provided for public access. (Ord.  No. 24, § 3, 6-21-84)



Sec. 30-104. General use.


The  general public  may  use  the  accesses  for  getting fishing,  boating  and  recreational equipment to the lake on those accesses where  terrain and soil conditions  make  possible  safe and reasonable movement  of such equipment from the nearest public highway  to the lake.  No use of the lake access that is in violation of state, federal or county statutes shall  be permitted. (Ord.  No. 24, § 4, 6-21-84)



Sec. 30-105. Special uses.


Special uses ofthe lake accesses shall include  but not be limited to: research groups, weed harvesting and  chemical  treatment operators, sea  wall construction operators, heavy  equip­ ment  operators.

(Ord.  No. 24, § 5, 6-21-84)



Sec. 30-106. Special use permits.


(a)  Special  use operators shall  file with  the  town clerk  an application for a special  lake accesses  use permit. Such  application shall  describe  the date  of the  beginning and  ending  of the operation, the special equipment to be used, provisions for public safety provided, evidence of liability insurance adequate to cover all possible accidents or damage  to other  persons, equipment or to terrain or vegetation on the  access,  provision for restoring the  access  to its condition  at the start ofthe operation, evidence of state, county or federal  permits required, an agreement to cease operation and remove equipment within  48 hours  of an order  of the town board,  and  the  nature of and  length of time  any  materials will be stored  on the  access. The town board may require a bond to be posted by the applicant for possible costs in restoring the site  to its  condition  prior  to the  special  use.  The  town  may  require  the  applicant to sign  a statement freeing  the town from liability to other  users  while the special  use is in progress or as a result of that  special  use.


(b)  The  town  board  in open meeting shall  review  the  application for special  use  of the access or accesses. The town board shall  approve or disapprove the application. In the event  of approval, the town board will designate which access or accesses may be used, the time of each use and shall  direct the clerk to issue the permit. This permit  must  be displayed  on the access or accesses while the work is in progress. As the work progresses, the town board may inspect or cause to be inspected, the operation. If upon inspection the operation  is not deemed  to be in the  public  interest or violates  any  town  ordinance or any  of the  terms or conditions of the





permit, it may  require the  operator to cease  and  desist in the operation and  restore the  access or accesses to the  condition that existed at the  start of the  operation. The  board  may  require the  operator to surrender his  permit for the  operation.

(Ord.  No. 24, § 6, 6-21-84)


Sec. 30-107. Parking.


Parking shall be permitted on the  access  in  designated areas only  between the  hours of

6:00 a.m.  to 11:00 p.m. If parking areas are  not  designated, all parking shall be done  in such a manner that the  public  may  have  unimpeded access to the  lake  at all times. The town  may designate no  parking areas when   such   areas are  in  the best   public  interest.  Stopping or standing a vehicle on the  access  shall be only for short periods of time and  shall be done  in a sharing manner with  other access  users.

(Ord.  No. 24, § 7, 6-21-84)


Sec. 30-108. Storage.


Storage of any  material or  materials, equipment, weeds or  bog material shall be for  a minimal length of time. Any storage shall be allowed  only  after a special use  permit has  been issued to the  person or persons needing to store materials on the  access  in  order  to perform lake-oriented services. Such permit shall be for the  shortest possible storage period. Materials stored on the  lake  accesses shall be only of those materials necessary for lake  projects such  as, but   not  limited to,  weed   harvesting, bog  removal,  chemicals for  authorized treatment  of aquatic nuisances, materials for erosion and eutrophication control, and  navigation and traffic control devices and  research equipment.

(Ord.  No. 24, § 8, 6-21-84)


Sec. 30-109. Alteration and encroachment.


No person shall alter the  natural terrain ofthe access  by drainage, planting or cultivating vegetation without special permit issued by  the   town   board   after acquiring assurance in writing from  state and  county agencies that  such  alteration is  not  in  violation of state and county statutes  and  ordinances. No person  shall encroach upon  any  access  by alteration  of boundaries,  construction  of  buildings, drainage  of  liquids,  or   deposition  of  solid   waste materials.

(Ord.  No. 24, § 9, 6-21-84)










The Town Board ofthe Town of Whitewater, Walworth County, Wisconsin Ordains That: Section 1.

Sec. 30-59. Water Skiing is hereby amended by adding paragraphs (g) (1)- (6), as follows:


(g) To become duly authorized to conduct water ski tournaments, competitions, exhibitions or trials, the applicant must do the following:


(l) Appear before the Town Boards of Richmond and Whitewater with a practice and show schedule and present a plan with all dates and times including the length of each event, before the stare of the season, or not less than 30 days in advance of a single event.  Both Town Boards will be required to approve and authorize any practice and show schedule.


(2)  Have a parking plan as to handle the parking of vehicles the event participants and the spectators.


(3)  Have a commitment  from an insurance company for liability insurance that indemnifies and holds harmless the Towns of Richmond and Whitewater in an amount as directed by each Board.


(4)  Have in place a representative  living in Walworth County who can be contacted at any time during the water ski season regarding any problems by either the Town of Whitewater or Richmond, as related to water ski tournaments, competitions, exhibitions or trials, parking, insurance, zoning, noise or the equipment used in that activity.  The applicant shall also present a listing of the names addresses and phone numbers of all officers or managers of the organization  that is applying to conduct  · water ski tournaments,  competitions, exhibitions or trial.


(5)  At the appearance before the Town Boards the applicant for authorization should be prepared to answer questions related to the zoning of the prope1ty that is proposed for the water ski tournaments, competitions, exhibitions or trials, and have in writing a signed document from any land owner, where the event is proposed, that they have authorized the use of the property for that purpose.  The Board may direct that authorization be obtained from adjacent land owners before the event is authorized.


(6)  The authorization granted  by the Town’s for water ski tournaments, competitions, exhibitions  or trials is conditional upon performance of all items as stated above, and additional  conditions as may be imposed  by each Board,  and is not a license.


Section 2.

Sec. 30-82. Parking on accesses is hereby amended by adding  the following paragraph: Any person who shall  violate the provisions  of this ordinance, if a sign stating  the parking

rule for that access has been posted  by the Town Board, shall forfeit  not less than $10.00  nor

more than $200.00,  together  with costs imposed  by law.


Section 3.


Sec. 30-83. Storage of items on lake accesses is hereby amended  by adding  the following  paragraph:


Any person who shall violate the provisions  of this ordinance, shall forfeit not less that

$10.00 nor more than $200.00, together  with costs imposed  by law.


Section 4.


Sec. 30-84. Alternate and encroachment of accesses is hereby amended  by adding  the following  paragraph:


Any person who shall  violate  the provisions  of this ordinance,  shall forfeit not less than

$10.00 nor more than $200.00, together  with costs imposed  by law.


Section 5.


DIVISION  4. PROCEDURE, consisting of sections 30-91- 30-93 is hereby  re­

numbend to “DIVISION 5.”


Section 6.



is hereby added to the ordinance, as follows:






It is the intent of the division  to provide for safe public  use of the roadways  held in trust by the Town of\vl1irewarer and Richmond,  Walworth County,  Wisconsin and to preserve  the natural resources of lakes in these areas.  Control of contiguous roadways and safe usage of the Lakes are interrelated.   Both Towns  have had problems  with the use of piers from areas of Town


Roads including parked vehicles, roadway obstruction, unsafe fishing activities, picnics and placement of personal property on Town Roads.


Sec. 30-86. Citations.


Citations for violations  of any of the following provisions shall follow the procedure listed in W.S.A. §§ 66.119 and 66.12. Cash deposit for violation shall be a minimum of $100.00 for the first violation, $200.00 for the second violation, and $300.00 for the third and each succeeding offenses.  Each day of placement of a pier or boat lift in the right of way or to the right of way is a separate violation.


Sec. 30-87. Piers & Boat Lifts in or to Town Roadways  Prohibited.


No one shall be allowed to place a pier or boat lift in the right of way, or connected to the right of way of a Town Road.  This is applicable to Town Roads laid out as public highways under W.S.A. §80.01 (1) or unrecorded highways under W.S.A. §80.01 (2).  This is applicable to any land accreted to a town road right of way that is laid out as public highways.


Sec. 30-88.  Presumptions.


The Town Boards presume that the piers are being placed from Town roadways at the direction and request of any owners who moor watercraft to them.  Unless there is clear evidence to the contrary (i.e that someone other than the boat owner placed the pier or lift in the roadway), the citation shall be issued to the registered owner of any boat moored to the pier or placed in the boat lift.


Sec. 30-89. Storage of items on lake accesses.


No one shall be allowed to place any item, in a roadway contiguous to the lake, or in the right of way of a Town Road.


Any person who shall violate the provisions of this ordinance,  shall forfeit not less that

$10.00 nor more than $200.00,  together with costs imposed by law.


Sec. 30-90. Parking on Town Roadways contiguous to Lakes prohibited.


Parking on either side of a roadway that is contiguous to any lake in either the Town of Richmond  or the Town  of Whitewater  is prohibited  if the roadway  has  been  posted  with  no parking signs.


Any person who shall violate the provisions of this ordinance if a sign stating the parking rule for that access has been posted by the Town Board, shall forfeit  not less than S 10.00 nor more than $200.00, together with costs imposed by law.


Section 7.


Except  as  modified   above,  the  Whitewater  and  Rice  Lake  Ordinance  shall  remam unchanged.


Section 8.


Effective Date. This  Ordinance  shall be effective  on April 14,  2004, upon passage  and publication as provided by law.


Adopted this 14th day of April, 2004.