DRAFT 1-8-2025 Minutes
Lowell called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM
In attendance: Lowell, Bob, Jon, Jorja, Carl
Bob made a motion to approve the agenda as amended, seconded by Jon and the motion carried
Jon made a motion to approve the minutes from the Dec 11, 2024 meeting, seconded by Bob and the motion carried.
Treasurer: read fund and cash balances.
Clerk: report from Whitewater Fire department indicated that the Township had 121 service calls in 2024 which was down from 124 in 2023.
Ordinance #2025-108 regarding buoy placement in Whitewater and Rice Lakes was signed and will be published. Also gave a copy to Richmond for changing their ordinance.
The engagement letter from Patrick Romenesko for doing 2024 audit was signed
Jon made a motion to approve the clerk-treasurer report, seconded by Bob and the motion carried.
Supervisor reports:
Lowell – no report
Bob – no report
Jon – no report
Public Works – installed mechanism that will allow for distributing salt at a preset amount. Will manage the amount used.
Sheriff’s report – Nick said there were 145 calls in December. They responded to 2347 calls during 2024.
April 29, 2025 at 1:30 PM will be the Board of Review. This is the taxpayer’s opportunity to meet with the Town assessor and ask questions regarding property assessment.
Valerie Heth who owns the property at W8597 Willis Ray Rd presented a survey map for the Board to approve. The plan is to separate one section which includes a single family home and leave the larger parcel for agriculture purposes. There would be a separate parcel ID, however, the zoning would remain as A-1. Jon made a motion to approve the project, seconded by Bob and the motion carried.
After discussing a buoy purchase proposal from Walsh Marine, Jon made a motion to purchase 39 new buoys, at a cost of $210.00 per buoy and to fund the purchase using dollars from the tree service budget and then replace that money when the grant is paid. The GWLPOA will contribute $2000.00 towards the initial purchase, Bob seconded the motion and the motion carried.
Lowell made a motion to open all Township roads, except State Park Road and Hi-Lo Road, to ATV/UTV traffic, there was no second. Jon noted that he would not consider the motion until a new canvass of all property owners was executed. Bob said he would vote no because he feels that there are enough people who are against opening all the roads.
Jon made a motion to accept the contract from One Energy Bob seconded the motion and the motion carried.
A new contract with Johnson Sand and Gravel, which had been agreed to by the Town attorney, was reviewed. There are still issues regarding repairing the road going forward since the truck traffic and the weight factor will harm R&W Townline Road. The Board is suggesting eliminating the $.15 per ton fee and instead have Johnson Sand and Gravel purchase a bond initially for $250,000.00 that would be used to repair the road as needed. The amount of $250,000.00 would be adequate for chip and seal repair. Other more intense repairs would be higher and could be as much as $1.5 million. There needs to be an annual site survey with both Johnson Sand and Gravel and the Town’s Public Works Superintendent to assess the road condition. The gravel company should be responsible for 90% of any road repairs. The annual bond will reflect the dollar amount to cover whatever repairs are needed as determined by the annual site survey. Lowell made a motion to this effect, seconded by Jon and the motion carried.
The current SOP regarding refunds for overpayment on tax bills is any overpayment is refunded to the taxpayer with no minimum limit. The County has a regulation that overpayment under $10.00 are not refunded; refunds over $10.00 are refunded but there is a deduction for processing admin fees. Other towns follow the same guidelines. Lowell made a motion that effective after this tax season ends, Whitewater will not refund any overpayment that is $10.00 or less. Refunds over $10.00 will be refunded with a $10.00 admin fee.
At the December meeting there was a discussion regarding Oak Ridge and the fact that some sources refer to Road and others refer to Drive. The current street signs and fire numbers refer to Road, Google maps (for delivery services) use Road. The County map and an original plat from the developer had Drive. After checking with the Post office and they only refer to it as “Oak Ridge” Board determined that since the post office only refers to Oak Ridge without either drive or road that the current signage is correct and the County needs to change their map to “Road”. Jon made a motion for keeping the name as road, seconded by Lowell and the motion carried.
The contract for Carl that is in effect until December, 2025 has wording changes and needs to be resigned. Jon made a motion to approve and Bob seconded the motion and it carried.
Public Input:
Russ Kilpin asked why Bob would not agree to open the roads and Bob feels there are enough people who are against all access.
Mike Bergman from Town of Richmond is new to their town board and wants to meet with the Whitewater Board to develop a written agreement for sharing road maintenance between Richmond and Whitewater. The is a “handshake” agreement, however, it was developed many years ago.
Monthly invoices were reviewed and checks signed
Jon made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Bob, the motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 6:43 PM.
Respectfully submitted by Jorja Boiley Clerk-Treasurer