Minutes 1-12-2022 Monthly Board Meeting
Minutes Monthly Board Meeting
Lowell Hagen called the monthly meeting of the Town Board to order at 7:00 PM.
In attendance: Lowell Hagen, Bob Strand, Jorja Boiley in attendance. Norm was absent
Bob made a motion to approve the agenda, with revision to include the appointed time for the start of the meeting, Lowell seconded the motion, the motion carried.
Bob made a motion to approve as written the minutes of the December 29, 2021 Special Board meeting, the motion was seconded by Lowell, the motion carried.
Treasurer’s report: cash and fund balances were read. Tax collection is going smoothly – Donna has been handling most of the processing.
Clerk report: No primary is scheduled for February. Absentee ballot requests for the other three 2022 elections are in process. Bob made a motion to accept the reports, seconded by Lowell, the motion carried.
Steve Meisner has concerns about a downed tree that is on his neighbor’s lot and could potentially cause damage to his property. The Town does not have jurisdiction since the tree is on private property. The board is suggesting that the best course of action is to contact the neighbor to discuss removal of the tree or to contact legal advice.
There are no supervisor’s reports.
Sheriff’s Department incident report: there were 4.9 service calls which is the slowest month for 2021.
When there is a vehicle accident and the Sheriff’s Department responds to the call, it is always the decision by the officer who responds to issue a citation or not. This is true no matter what the cause of the accident. This holds true if it is a one-car incident or several.
A discussion was held verifying changes previously made with the County regarding notification to Town personnel in the case of inclement weather, snow or ice, downed trees, etc. If there are issues on that requires action by town personnel, the chain of notification begins with Carl Ahrens, then Bob Strand, Lowell Hagen and Norm Prusener.
During the latest ice storm in January, the road crew started at 11:00PM and salt/sanded until 4:00 AM.
Randy and Lana Pollard requested variances for approving a new shed that occupies a larger footprint than the previous shed, erecting a retaining wall around the shed and decreasing the setback from the lot lines to accommodate the larger shed. Lowell made a motion to approve the request, seconded by Bob and the motion carried.
Bob made a motion to approve Ms. Angela Nelson’s request for operator’s license at Willow Brook Golf Course. Lowell seconded the motion and the motion carried.
WE Energies request for a written policy regarding the fees for performing services in the Township is tabled until the February meeting.
Public input: Robert Sivek thanked the Town for installing spinners on stop signs at the intersection of County Road P and Kettle Moraine Drive
Decision was made to close the account at Whitewater Advanced Auto and use the Elkhorn Napa which offers discount pricing.
Monthly bill payments were approved and and checks were signed.
Bob made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Lowell, the motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:33 PM
Respectfully submitted by Jorja Boiley Clerk/Treasurer