Minutes 1-13-2021 Board Meeting

Minutes 1-13-2021 Town of Whitewater Town Board Meeting


The meeting was called to order by Lowell Hagen at 7:00 PM

Attending the meeting: Lowell Hagen, Norm Prusener, Bob Strand and Jorja Boiley

Norm Prusener made a motion to accept the agenda as written and seconded by Bob Strand, the motion passed unanimously.

Norm Prusener made a motion to accept the Minutes from the previous  Board Meeting held on December 9, 2020,  seconded by Bob Strand, the motion passed unanimously.

Treasurer Report: Balances read. Special note that at the end of the year there was $319,821.45 left in the Tax Receipt account from 2020 fiscal year.

Clerk Report:

  • Gearing up for February 16 Spring Primary. WUSD board elections and a county-wide superintendent for Public Instruction.
  • April 6 is Spring Election. Paperwork has been filed for the three positions of Town Board.
  • Rural Insurance is recommending a written proposal for securing mobile devices using password protection, anti-virus, and 24/7 security. We will submit our information within their 60-day timeframe since the recommendations are already being used.
  • There are two weeks left for collecting 1st installment payments for 2020 taxes. After 1/31/2021 all payments will be sent to the County.

Norm Prusener made a motion to approve the Clerk/Treasurer reports as read, seconded by Bob Strand, and the motion passed unanimously.


Supervisor reports:


  • He spoke to county engineer regarding installing a relief valve at the dam on Whitewater Lake. The dam is owned by County. By installing relief valves this will protect the water level. When the dam is worked on or replaced, a relief or gate valve will be installed.
  • The Richmond project to drain water from Lake Lorraine into Whitewater Lake does not involve the Town of Whitewater since that portion of Whitewater Lake is not under the town’s jurisdiction. At this time, there is no set date for the Lake Loraine project.

Bob – no report

Lowell – no report

Sheriff’s Report:

  • There were 205 service calls in December. There were a couple of vehicle accidents on Hwy 12. Average number of calls was 9.5 per day in 2020.
  • There were 17 patrol entries where deputies logged looking for trash dumping on Hi Lo Road.


Jerome Converse requested approval for posting more signs on the Ice Age Trail. The area has received more usage in recent months and needs improved signage for the hikers. Norm moved that adding additional signs be approved as long as there are no new posts involved in the project. The motion was seconded by Bob and was passed unanimously.

Daniel Kaiser is requesting a change to the encroachment approval that was given at last meeting. He wants to increase the size of the proposed holding tank from 2000 gallons to 3000 gallons.  Norn made a motion to grant the larger tank, seconded Bob, the motion passed unanimously.

Other town business

  • Bob presented his estimates for prospective road repairs for 2021. No decision was made.

The Board approved and paid bills.

Norm Prusener made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Bob and the motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 8:02 PM.


Respectfully submitted Jorja Boiley, Clerk/Treasurer