Minutes 6/10/2020 Board meeting

Town of Whitewater Town Board Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, June 10, 2020


Present: Lowell Hagen, Bob Strand, Norm Pruesner, Jorja Boiley

Norm Made a motion to approve the agenda, seconded by Bob, motion passed.

After a review of the minutes from the June 1, 2020 Special Town Board meeting, Norm made a motion to accept the minutes as written, seconded by Bob, motion passed.

Treasurer report: bank balances were read by Jorja

Clerk report:

2000 absentee certificates and mailing envelopes have been ordered in anticipation of high volume need for the next two elections.

Two residents called to thank the town for the Branch Chipping service; another resident sent a card and check to thank the crew for their hard work. Jorja suggested that even though the check is payable to the township, it was most likely meant as a tip for the crew. It was agreed to give the tip to Tim Ryan and Mike Wentz who had performed the service.

There were no supervisor’s reports.

Sheriff’s Department incident report:

Sargent Jacob Skibba was able to attend and introduce himself to the board. He pointed out that there has been a slight increase in Sheriff calls. He feels that it is due to being summertime and relaxing the quarantine.

  • Bob Strand asked if there could be a concerted effort to provide surveillance on Hi-Lo Road at night in order to apprehend whoever is doing the illegal dumping on that road. Tires, shingles, beer bottles have been dumped alongside the road. Bob asked if the 3rd shift can do surveillance. The issue has been a problem for awhile. Jacob cautioned that the best action if there is a sighting of the culprits, to report the license plate number to the Department and let the deputies follow up.

Branch Chipping review: see attached memo from Tim Ryan.

  • Tim Ryan’s suggestion:  Call in by Thursday PM – not Friday

Other town business:

Had a problem with boat lift over weekend. JNT is in process of fixing.

 Public input: Tom Mckevitt wants to build a seawall at the end of his street. The plan was approved last fall. The Board does not have a problem with building a seawall as long as the plan meets the guidelines of the DNR. His neighbors have indicated that they are willing to help pay for the construction. Additionally he wants to plant trees alongside the edge of Camp Joy. He will attend a future meeting for approval of the plans.

Representative Don Vrunik was present. He shared some of the projects he is handling:

  1. Helping about 500 residents with applying for unemployment benefits as part of the COVID 19 stimulus bill. The monies have not yet been distributed.
  2. The flooding in Milton is a serious problem. On Hwy 59 the shoulders are filling with water. Septic systems in the area are compromised. He is working with the Army Corps of Engineers to find a solution to the problem
  3. He is working with private industry to develop a program to assist college students with the excessive debt incurred in attending school. His goal is to avoid tapping the taxpayers for a bailout. The average student leaves college with $30,000.00 debt.

Bills were paid.

Norm made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Bob, motions passed and the meeting ended at 7:40 PM.


Respectively submitted by Jorja Boiley, Clerk/Treasurer