Minutes Budget Workshop 10-24-2022


Budget Workshop
Monday, October 24, 2022


Lowell called the meeting to order at 8:30 AM

In attendance was Lowell, Bob, Norm, Jorja


Norm made a motion to approve agenda as presented, seconded by Bob and the motion carried.


Budget discussion:

The current tax levy limit is $477,649.00. This dollar amount includes the increase from 2021 and that increase remains each successive year unless the Town approves to reduce the levy limit.

Based on that dollar amount and other known revenue sources, the Board reviewed each line as it compared to the current y-t-d budget for actual revenues and expenses.

No final decision was made on the total budget.


Norm made a motion to adjourn into closed session per WI 19.85(1)(c) to consider employee performance review and compensation. The motion was seconded by Bob and the motion carried.


Norm made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Bob and the motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:15 AM


Respectively submitted by Jorja Boiley, Clerk/Treasurer