Minutes Special Town Board Meeting 7-20-2021




Town of Whitewater Special Town Board Meeting Minutes

July 20, 2021


The meeting was called to order by Lowell Hagen at 8:00 AM.
In attendance: Lowell Hagen, Norm Prusener, Bob Strand and Jorja Boiley.

Norm Prusener made a motion to approve the agenda as revised indicating the Clerk’s report would be shared prior to approval of the 7-14-2021 Board Meeting. Bob Strand seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.

Clerk report:

  1. If an issue is to be discussed at a board meeting, the agenda must include that information.
  2. WMCA suggests that all employees punch timecards. Discussion followed that often road crews are called out for emergencies and do not necessarily report to Town Hall first.
  3. When several special meetings are called, the minutes are to be approved at each successive meeting and not held until the next monthly board meeting.
  4. A resident notified that there was a buoy that had moved from where it was installed and was causing damage to boats. The issue was forwarded to the Safety Patrol to investigate.
  5. After consulting with a retirement advisor, it is determined Carl Ahrens can contribute to his current retirement fund with the City of Delavan in after tax income. The Town cannot contribute to the fund on his behalf. There is a possibility of establishing a temporary retirement account prior to Town becoming a member of WRS
  6. Town Ordinance #07112 gives the clerk ability to process operator’s licenses without board approval.
  7. A letter was sent to all residents on Hill Drive regarding the Rip Rap project. Rick Olson did deliver a check in the amount of $7500.00 as a donation for the construction.


Norn Prusener made a motion to approve the Minutes from the July 14, 2021 meeting. The motion was seconded by Bob Strand and the motion carried unanimously.

Norm Prusener made a motion to approve the following operator’s licenses:

Sheila Meehan
Samantha Meister;
Nicole Raduechel.
The motion was seconded by Bob Strand and the motion carried unanimously.

A discussion was held regarding the need for various new tools for the garage. No decisions were made.

Discussion regarding the need for purchasing a new box for plow truck. Carl Ahrens will research possibilities, costs and delivery times.

The new fee schedule for Town Code was developed. There will now be a schedule for all Town fees included in one section of the Town Code which will provide a more user-friendly access to that information.

Lowell Hagen made a motion to adjourn, the motion was seconded by Bob Strand, the motion carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 AM





Respectfully submitted by Jorja Boiley, Clerk/Treasurer